Gossip girl tình yêu triangles Award for: Best Couple/Almost Couple Fight

Pick one:
Blair & amp; Nate after N told B he slept with S
Blair & Nate after N told B he slept with S
Serena & amp; Dan fighting over Georgina/ Sarah
Serena & Dan fighting over Georgina/Sarah
Blair & amp; Chuck at the Debutante Ball
Blair & Chuck at the Debutante Ball
Nate and Blair fighting over her being with Chuck
Nate and Blair fighting over her being with Chuck
Added by Leightonfan
Nate and Serena when Jenny came in
Nate and Serena when Jenny came in
Added by ranstell2703
is the choice you want missing? go ahead and add it!
 kuhriissten posted hơn một năm qua
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