German Shepherds Club
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added by Lars
Source: Lori Leidig
added by bwlay
Source: blay
added by Lars
Source: Lori Leidig
added by Lars
Source: Lori Leidig
added by Lars
Source: Lori Leidig
added by PTuski
Source: P. Tschuschke
added by loveGSD
added by boytoy_84
added by boytoy_84
added by boytoy_84
added by KAMJW
Source: Jordan
added by Aifam666
added by Aifam666
added by Aifam666
added by ElGalloCaballo
Source: just added for the những người hâm mộ
added by Lars
Source: Lars Leidig
added by Lars
Source: Lori Leidig
posted by phila67
I am a private owner of a German Shepherd and whilst at the present time Breed Specific Legislation does not directly effect the German Shepherd breed in the UK, there are motions across my region to bring in legislation that WILL effect German Shepherds and many other breeds.

As an admirer an owner of GSD's, I feel that suggestions from governemnt and council authorities are unjust and I wanted to bring awareness to people about the current I started an online cửa hàng promoting and selling merchandise with my own designs, highlighting the "Deed Not Breed" message.

I was hoping...
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added by Lars
Source: E. Rivet