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This guide tells bạn how bạn can identify male from female betas! So enjoy!
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A tiny cá with "Dracula-like" teeth has been discovered in a stream in northern Burma.
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Found in a Burmese stream, with fangs made of bone.
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It's called the Barrelfish.
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The discovery of two-headed cá in Australia has sparked fears of chemical contamination.
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A "four-eyed" deep-sea cá is the first to have solved the problem faced bởi all eyes - how to look up and down at the same time.
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commonly called a "siamese fighting fish", it is one of the most được ưa chuộng species of freshwater aquarium fish. It is native to the Mekong river basin in Southeast Asia and called pla-kad hoặc pla-kat ("Biting Fish") in its native Thailand.
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Bettas are one of the most recognized, most colorful, and often most controversial cá in the freshwater hobby.
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My review of AquaDine Healthy Koi cá thực phẩm
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Priceless Goldfish Care information on Goldfish Disease, Goldfish Ponds, Goldfish Aquariums and unique Goldfish Pictures.
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