tomorrow is April 15th and it's your birthday, 566 years for which we wish bạn the most sincere wishes, but bạn tell us once and for all which was your first painting and how many did bạn actually do, tell us if bạn really hides a mystery behind your Mona Lisa, tell us her name, tell us about the Salvator Mundi, if bạn know it and if bởi chance some of your brush strokes really touched it, tell us even if Isabella D 'Este could never see her portrait ordered to you, finally tell us if the Beautiful Princess was really your work hoặc counterfeiting of an English counterfeiter.
Lastly, tell us the name of the greatest connoisseur of your works, as long as there is someone alive.
I renew my best wishes for your 566th birthday, được trao that the eternity to us humans denied bạn have conquered it thanks to the absolute genius of your earthly Works.
"the Leonardians"