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added by irinaguzun
added by Gretulee
added by irinaguzun
added by irinaguzun

[Luhan] I wagered everything and drank bạn down
Even if time turned back there’s no way to take it back
[Chen] Even taking the risk of addiction
So bad, no one can stop her
[Lay] Her tình yêu her love, I want her everything
Her tình yêu is the only law
[Chen] One Kiss from her lips is lethal
The thêm unmindful the thêm you’ll be unable to get yourself out
[Luhan] Oh she wants me, oh she’s got me
[Chen] Oh she hurts me
I am like this, eager to get you
[all] Someone call the doctor tie me up and tell me
This sickness called tình yêu is addictive Overdose
The time spent missing bạn is too long...
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added by irinaguzun
added by 050801090907
posted by capricorn_angel
Okay, so after the releasing of the bài viết “MAMA AND ILLUMINATI”, I have been watching to the EXO teasers. Sometimes I would just play all the teasers from 1 to 23 hoặc just re-watch the teaser that I want to watch. But then suddenly my eyes captured things that so amazing and actually so interesting from the teasers!

First ever, is about the choreography of MAMA. Actually, SM has already leaked out the choreography bởi the teasers! Are bạn confused? Well, I will tell ya the secrets.

1. Teaser #7 : Sehun and Kai “Run & Gun”
Look at the picture above, did bạn see the shadows behind Sehun...
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added by Gretulee
added by Gretulee
added by Ieva0311
added by ivanovic
added by ivanovic
added by Ieva0311
added by Ieva0311