Eric Northman If bạn met Eric in a dark alley, what would bạn do?

Pick one:
Scream and then Faint!
Scream and then Faint!
Scream and then Run away!
Scream and then Run away!
Drool all over yourself!
Drool all over yourself!
Run to him and Kiss him madly!
Run to him and Kiss him madly!
Say &# 34; xin chào Baby! What&# 39; s up?&# 34;
Say "Hey Baby! What's up?"
Offer Yourself to Him!
Offer Yourself to Him!
i would say xin chà o baby wats up as i was trying not...
i would say xin chào baby wats up as i was trying not to drool on my self and then i w
Added by gublerlover1
I would say heyy but I would be afraid of him.
I would say heyy but I would be afraid of him.
Added by RoswellGirl13
I would give him a cute smile and then wait for...
I would give him a cute smile and then wait for him to come to me
Added by camyyy
I would flirt making eye contact, pretend like i...
I would flirt making eye contact, pretend like i didn't really see him, lean agai
Added by _eRICsOOKIE_
is the choice you want missing? go ahead and add it!
 deedeeflower posted hơn một năm qua
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