This bài viết is to point out the differences between the Book Cậu bé cưỡi rồng and the Film Eragon, which was a great disappointment to many fans, including me. So here we go, my information is from the InheriWiki.
Book- Cậu bé cưỡi rồng had brown hair and brown eyes.
Film- Cậu bé cưỡi rồng had blonde hair and blue eyes.
Book- Cậu bé cưỡi rồng was fifteen at the start of the story.
Film- Cậu bé cưỡi rồng was seventeen at the start of the story.
Book- The gedwëy ignasia mark is a vòng tròn and glows silver if the Dragon Rider uses a spell hoặc reaches for magic.
Film- The gedwëy ignasia is in the shape of an 'e'.
Book- Zar'roc has a vàng pommel with...
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