England Club
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added by jessy-lu
hàng đầu, đầu trang 10 Englishmen / Women

Winston Churchill
Isambard Kingdom Brunel
Princess Diana
Charles Darwin
William Shakespeare
Sir Isaac Newton
Queen Elizabeth I
John Lennon
Horatio Nelson
Oliver Cromwell
Alfred the Great
Julie Andrews
David Attenborough
Jane Austen
Charles Babbage
Lord Baden Powell
Douglas Bader
David Beckham
Tony Benn
Tim Berners Lee
John M Keynes
William Blake
William Booth
Richard Branson
Isambard Kingdom Brunel
Donald Campbell
William Caxton
Charlie Chaplin
Geoffrey Chaucer
Thomas Hobbes
Winston Churchill
Captain James Cook
Michael Crawford
Aleister Crowley
Charles Darwin
Diana, Princess of Wales
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added by Thecharliejay
added by Gred_and_Forge
Source: Tumblr
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bells of westminster abbey
Luân Đôn
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