Emily Fitch Club
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posted by PoooBoo
 Katie/Emily hug in 4x04
Katie/Emily hug in 4x04
10. Emily and J.J in 3x07. (link)
I tình yêu this scene for so many reasons, firstly because they are ridiculously cute together (: Secondly because it's good to see that Emily has someone else to rely on other than Naomi. And thirdly because it is one of my yêu thích Skins friendships & this scene is hilarious.

9. Emily and Cook 4x02
I tình yêu all the Cook&Emily scenes we got in 4x02. So cute! They are one of my yêu thích AU ships and all the scenes we get of them make me so happy! This episode in particular had amazing scenes... like the bathroom one!

7. Naomily Kiss at school 4x02
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posted by PoooBoo
 Emily Fitch
Emily Fitch
NAME: Hello, I'm Emily.

AGE: 16.

MOTTO: This is the most absurd câu hỏi - what sort of person makes a khẩu hiệu up for themselves!

ABOUT ME: The name Emily means to rival, which I find oddly ironic because I'm a twin. I wonder if my mum had any knowledge of this when she named me. I find it even thêm ironic that Katie (the name of my twin) means pure and virginal. Lol!

HOBBIES: I really like gardening. I know that might make me sound like a weirdo but I don't really care. That's the whole point about the internet - you'll probably never meet me. The thing with gardening is it's quite therapeutic....
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posted by PoooBoo
I thought I'd tell bạn about my new favourite thing in the world... It's not laying in giường with swine flu with James hát a medley of the songs from High School Musical at me through my bedroom wall. Which is a shame as that's all I've done for a fortnight... And it's not having mum come in every five phút to check that someone hasn't climbed in through my bedroom window to try and smuggle in some garibaldis. Again :)

And it's not not being allowed any visitors because I'm highly contagious (apparently) and they would simply drop dead if they were in the same room with me. Yeah. Right....
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