Edward,Bella And Renesmee Club
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posted by robpatz
twilight: in case bạn have not read the book hoặc seen the movie. Its so cool and its a good boook to read if bạn are a vampire fan.................
in the book bella is moving in with her dad because her mother and her step father phill are going to florida to try out for a major lege baseball team.when she gets to her dad she is reuntied with a boy that she played with when she was a little girl named jacob black and his father billy balck.Bella shortly finds out that her father charlie swan(charlie is the chief of police) bought her a truck for her homecomming present.Bella has her first day...
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posted by xxxBellaxxx3
Momma sits in the car waiting for the light to turn green. I am sitting in the passenger’s seat, listening to the iPod daddy gave me last Christmas. The light turns green and momma nudges the gas pedal with her foot. The car jolts phía trước, chuyển tiếp and soon we are at Grandpa’s house. Momma gets out and I just stay seated in the car. She comes around to my side and opens the door, while I am unbuckling. Momma picks me up and then slams the door. I press my hand to her neck and think, “Do bạn want to be here?” She nods her head yes and then she sets me down. I take her hand and together we walk...
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