Eat Pray tình yêu Wall

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sustained_note đã đưa ý kiến …
I once was in a bookstore and met a wonderful girl đọc Eat Pray Love, we were interrupted and... well just wondering about her. đã đăng hơn một năm qua
sustained_note đã bình luận…
we were interrupted... and never saw her again... hơn một năm qua
lauragreene97 đã đưa ý kiến …
Loved the book and the movie. I guess I'm just always looking for good reasons to travel and find myself. I just finished a book called The Australian Pen Pal where the main character sets off on a self-discovery down under. If bạn enjoyed EPL, you'd like this book too. link đã đăng hơn một năm qua
yoursecretgirl đã đưa ý kiến …
I finished seeing the movie a couple of hours cách đây and unfortunately don't enjoyed.=$ I really recomend the book! đã đăng hơn một năm qua
emm717 đã đưa ý kiến …
i saw this movie last night.....absolutely hated it!!! đã đăng hơn một năm qua
NewGirl14 đã bình luận…
Fuck u then cuz u dont know good phim chiếu rạp wen u see one hơn một năm qua
jodyg đã bình luận…
Elizabeth Gilbert will be speaking about her new novel at The Edgerton Center, Sacred tim, trái tim University, Fairfield CT, this Friday, October 18 at 7 PM. She will do a Q&A with the audience and sign books. Admission $10; $30, including copy of hardcover, $5 students. Go to to reserve a spot! hơn một năm qua
yappybunny123 đã đưa ý kiến …
my fav part was in Italy when they were using hand gestures at people đã đăng hơn một năm qua
big smile
briza đã đưa ý kiến …
i tình yêu this movie...and julia roberts is amazing! đã đăng hơn một năm qua
markusvk đã đưa ý kiến …
Funny faq for the EAT PRAY tình yêu movie:

link đã đăng hơn một năm qua