Dreamtime Club
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added by FaithRise
added by hoa hồng trắng của nhà York
Source: pinterest
added by hoa hồng trắng của nhà York
Source: pinterest
added by hoa hồng trắng của nhà York
Source: pinterest
added by hoa hồng trắng của nhà York
Source: pinterest
added by FaithRise
added by hoa hồng trắng của nhà York
Source: pinterest
added by Canada24

Saten took a một giây train back to Ponyville. But he doesn't make it far from the station when suddenly...

Loud police microphone: GET DOWN ON THE GROUND ASSHOLE! (Saten freaks out and hides on the ground surrendering)

Master Sword: (comes into view, driving police car). Hahaha! Gotcha.. Naw, it's just me.

Saten: Sword? bạn scared th- Oh shit, did bạn steal cop car!?.. That's crazy!

Master Sword: No, what's crazy. Is leaving it unintended, anyone cold of lấy trộm, đánh cắp it.. Prove.. I did!

Saten: But dude! bạn can't steal police cars! bạn know how illage that is!?

Master Sword: Pffffft, who will pull over...
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Lois: (excitedly) There he is Chrisy~ Our boy!!
Stewie: Sounds like someone got her viberator working again..

Ah there it is, we did it Brian, we made 9/11 happen, HIGH FIVE!!... Wow. That probably wouldn’t look good out of context.

Look if this about the whole me killing bạn thing, it was a bit! A bit I tell you!

Annnd, the scarf Brian called a “gay waste” makes a rather important appearance.

There's always been a lot of tension between Lois and me. And it's not so much that I want to kill her, it's just... I want her... not to be alive anymore. I sometimes wonder if all women...
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added by Canada24
The type of movie that's good for rainy day. It's cliche, cheesy, and everything bạn want from this kinda movie. Espically if bạn tình yêu mindless action movies.. But your enjoyment of the film depends on how much bạn like Mark Wahlberg. I myself watch it purely for him.. And he gives everything we want out of him..

All those Gerald Butler phim chiếu rạp where he saves first the white house, than London.. I just like it cause I tình yêu watching Gerald Butler, so your enjoyment depends on that factor..

A Liam Neeson movie where he plays a outlaw who...
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added by Canada24
added by hoa hồng trắng của nhà York
Source: pinterest
posted by Canada24
Going to Thrifty Storage where his spaceship is stored, Roger regretfully sends out a homing signal and is sent back a notice to meet at the base of the Chimdale mountains. Roger's ship arrives, later revealed to be a giant shopping mall. Roger goes around hugging everyone goodbye.

"You idiot, why didn't bạn just listen to me." Stan đã đưa ý kiến tearfully, and gives Roger Stan's America pin as a good bye present.

"And Jeff, don't bạn dare blame yourself, this was my mistake not yours." Roger told.

"Aw thank bạn Roger, that means a lot for bạn to say that." Jeff said, teared up.

"Come here honey." Roger...
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