Dr Eric Foreman Club
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added by misanthrope86
Source: wallpaper.sk4tz.net
added by misanthrope86
Source: cáo, fox / edited bởi me
Credit: House M.D. on YouTube.
house md
season 3
house training
dr eric foreman
foreman kills a patient
added by Irina92
Source: cáo, fox
 Dr. Eric Foreman
Dr. Eric Foreman
"House M.D.: Pilot (#1.1)"
Dr. Eric Foreman: First năm of medical school if bạn hear hoofs bạn think "horses" not "zebras".
Dr. Gregory House: Are bạn *in* the first năm of medical school?

"House M.D.: Paternity (#1.2)"
Dr. Eric Foreman: It's dangerous, it could kill him. bạn should do it.

Dr. Gregory House: Thirty percent of all Dads out there don't realize they're raising someone else's kid.
Dr. Eric Foreman: From what I've read, false paternity is thêm like ten percent.
Dr. Gregory House: That's what our Mom's would like us to believe.

Dr. Gregory House: [seeing Dan on a computer screen]...
continue reading...
added by misanthrope86
Source: wallpaper.sk4tz.net
One of my favourite seasons for all the ducklings and Foreman as well!=)

3x03-Informed Consent

Talking about the patient, who says he wants to die
Chase: "It's his call."
Foreman: "So what do we do? We put a plastic bag over his head and get it over with?"
Chase: "No, we— give him a syringe full of morphine. Every doctor I've ever practiced with has done it. They don't want to, they don't like to, but that's the way it is."
Foreman: "I haven't, I won't."
Chase: "Right. Just means we talk about it. [pause] At some point, doing no harm has to mean we allow nature to take its course, not stubbornly...
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added by misanthrope86
Source: cáo, fox
added by misanthrope86
Short, but funny! [Credit: cáo, fox / ktsilverman27 on YouTube].
house md
dr eric foreman
omar epps
justin timerlake
người hâm mộ video
added by misanthrope86
Source: cáo, fox / foxestacado
added by misanthrope86
Source: wallpaper.sk4tz.net
added by misanthrope86
Source: hughlauriefan.net
added by Bones_Obsessor
Source: Foxflash.com/fresh
added by Irina92
Source: cáo, fox
added by Irina92
Source: cáo, fox
added by Irina92
Source: cáo, fox
added by Irina92
Source: cáo, fox
added by Irina92
Source: cáo, fox
added by Irina92
Source: cáo, fox