Vịt Donald Vote for a New Club biểu tượng

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9 fans picked:
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 misanthrope86 posted hơn một năm qua
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misanthrope86 picked Candidate:
See my comment on the banner poll. If you have icon suggestions, I am more than happy to set up a forum for everyone to submit. If your complaint is only that a poll should have been run to see if people wanted a change or not, these polls perform that function so an extra poll is unnecessary.

The Lion King club stuff was very, very different. angelpup101 did not ask a massive and very active club for submissions. This is not a massive club, nor is it active. angelpup101 also did not suggest appropriate images, as they were not sized even remotely correctly. My banners and icons are correctly sized.
posted hơn một năm qua.