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Behold: my latest countdown results! Since my Smiles countdown seemed to be liked pretty well, I did another one, this time with the Best First Meeting between DP couples. Reminder: if the couple "meets" thêm than once (i.e. Tiana and Naveen, Ariel and Eric, Aurora and Philip) I put the thêm interesting one here to be fair, otherwise they would be voted out pretty much instantly. Enjoy! :)

#10: Belle and Beast's (Adam) Meeting

I kind of liked this one because it was pretty different from the others. Instead of a romantic and cute meeting, Beast scares the stuffing out of Belle during their first meeting. Most people don't agree, though. They đã đưa ý kiến it was way too scary, not romantic, etc. But I guess this is just one of the things that Belle and Beast get to go out first.


"Seriously? Absolutely. Belle is terrified with Beast's monstrous look and horrible treatment. And she was his prisoner!" ~3xZ

"Adam and Belle' s was such a dramatic and sad scene. For some reason, I tình yêu it." ~MalloMar

 'Who's there? Who are you?"
'Who's there? Who are you?"

#9: Mulan and Shang's Meeting

Okay, Mulan and Shang's meeting was just awkward, But to me it deserved slightly higher than this. But honestly, I wouldn't want to meet my future husband this way. It was pretty interesting though!


"It is very awkward and not as funny as it is supposed to be. It is just boring to be honest." ~Jayden-G

"I liked Mulan and Shang's a lot better than Punz and Flynn's, Cindy and Charming's, and Aurora and Philip's." ~CRaZy_rawR

 "I don't need anyone causing trouble in my camp."
"I don't need anyone causing trouble in my camp."

#8: Lọ lem and Charming's Meeting

Really, this is the most boring meeting. Ever. I'm sorry, this meeting is just not that interesting. Cindy walks into the ball. Charming sees her. He goes up to her and kisses her hand. They dance. How does a meeting get any thêm boring than that? However, it was slow and romantic and at least had a build-up and aftermath, unlike lots of the other meetings on this list.


"He looks at her after yawning at the other woman and kisses her hand because he likes the way she looks. được trao the fact that neither knew one another's name at the end of the evening, they did not even introduce to one another properly, but that would not be a problem if it was an interesting meeting." ~Jayden-G

"Cinderella and Charming's is thêm romantic and tình yêu at the first sight <3" ~3xZ

 "So this is love, hm mm mm mm, so this is love."
"So this is love, hm mm mm mm, so this is love."

#7: Rapunzel and Flynn's Meeting

I thought this meeting was cute, but obviously fanpop doesn't agree. They say the humour was forced, she knocks him out THREE times (very true...) and the dialogue is ridiculous. Well, it's probably not the best meeting, it would have had to leave sooner hoặc late anyways.


"So boring and the humor part seems to be forced. It's like a copy of Tiana and Naveen's meeting. Their introducing themselves is too much like Tiana and Naveen's. In fact, Rapunzel's hitting Flynn with the pan resembles Tiana's hitting Naveen with the book!" ~LightningRed

"I find Rapunzel and Flynn's meeting very funny." ~BraBrief

 "Who are you, and how did bạn find me?"
"Who are you, and how did bạn find me?"

#6: Tiana and Naveen's Meeting

I liked this one! This was funny. But I would not want to meet my future husband as a frog (not that I have something against frogs) and I'm sure my future husband would NOT have liked it if I slapped him with a book during our first meeting.


"Funny, how she jokingly asks for a kiss. It's entertaining, but the others seem sweeter, thêm classic." ~MalloMar

"It resembles Rapunzel & Flynn's." ~dimitri_

 "Very funny. What now? I suppose bạn wanna kiss?"
"Very funny. What now? I suppose bạn wanna kiss?"

#5: Aurora and Philip's Meeting

To be honest, this meeting was kind of creepy. He just kept grabbing her and he didn't let her go. And Aurora taught us to not talk to strangers unless they are hot and happen to serenade bạn with a tình yêu song. For all she knew he could have been a rapist hoặc something.


"I don't like this meeting because Aurora at first "refuses" Phillip but very easily want to dance, sing, and in the end too quick to let him meet her right that evening in the glen after she says, "Never, never". So inconsistent!" ~LightningRed

"Aurora & Phillip have one of the best meetings." ~dimitri_

 "I'm awfully sorry. I didn't mean to frighten you!"
"I'm awfully sorry. I didn't mean to frighten you!"

#4:Jasmine and Aladdin's Meeting

This is my personal fave. I tình yêu how hoa nhài pretends to be mentally ill and Aladdin và cây đèn thần saves her. Okay, the saving part is pretty cliche, but it's still awesome. It was also entertaining! But people mainly voted this out because it was cliche, unromantic, uninteresting, etc. But I'm glad it made it this high, even if the hàng đầu, đầu trang three was pretty disappointing...


"I won't want to meet my tình yêu before I get my arm chopped off." ~princecatcher93

"Saving/helping his future lover for the first meeting is quite often. Besides the marketplace is not a beautiful place for meeting. Yet I like how Aladdin và cây đèn thần stares at her even before he knows her. :3" ~LightningRed

 "What are bạn doing?"
"What are bạn doing?"

#3: Snow White and Prince's Meeting

Okay. This meeting was cute, but has anyone thought about the possibility that the Prince has just illegally trespassed into Snow's property? No? Yes? Well, a lot of commenters did, and I realized after đọc their comments. I liked this meeting very much, it was cute and the songs were nice, but this meeting has no build-up hoặc aftermath. She just closes the curtain. The end.


"I tình yêu Snow White's and the Prince. And besides Snow's not dressed in a sail on the beach." ~princecatcher93

"Anyway..as far as Prince and Snow White are concerned...
It started out as a great meeting with the whole song and the sudden appearance but at the end it was like...
''OH, what a handsome and sweet guy...oh, let's hide!! Wait, what, is he hát to me? Let's send him a bird to hiển thị him I like it... Oh, now, I have reds cheeks.. What a beautiful song!!! LETS CLOSE THE CURTAIN!!!!
and after that? No talking, no clue..nothing.the prince just leaves.
They should talk to each other and agree they'd meet again." ~PociandSmith

 "Hello. Did I frighten you?"
"Hello. Did I frighten you?"

#2: Ariel and Eric's Meeting

This meeting was... good. It was interesting, it was funny, it was a little thêm original than some other ones, and it had a build-up. But the really ngẫu nhiên things were one: Ariel couldn't talk and somehow expects Eric to understand bởi waving her arms about. Two: Ariel keeps staring at Eric creepily. Three: there was no aftermath. We just skip right to Ariel taking a bubble bath.


"Ariel and Eric's just happens in a flash and then we cut to a bubble bath." ~Macythe Strange

"I think the Ariel and Eric one is cute." ~VGfan30

 "Are bạn okay, Miss?"
"Are bạn okay, Miss?"

#1: Pocahontas and John Smith's Meeting

TBH this was a really disappointing countdown. I am not happy with the hàng đầu, đầu trang 3. But I did vote for this meeting to win in the final round because it was thêm enchanting, the phim hoạt hình was good, the âm nhạc was great and it was slightly thêm romantic than Ariel and Eric's. I have two problems with this meeting though. In fact, most people seem to have these problems too. First, Poca randomly learns English, also, John points a gun at her. Which, bởi the way, is NOT the safest way to treat a person. But I guess it was better that this had won, after all, a lot of the meetings WERE worse than this.


"Only because of how she suddenly and inexplicably is capable of speaking English. If it weren't for that I'd tình yêu it." ~MaidofOrleans

"Eric and Ariel is thêm comical but Pocahontas and John's meeting is enchanting. Everything bad they assumed about the other is forgotten and the âm nhạc is stunning." ~dancing_dear

 *epic silence*
*epic silence*

Thanks for reading, commenting and voting! :)
posted by audreybrooke
Thought I'd do one of these, finally. My danh sách changed a little bit (Ariel and Mulan switched places and I rearranged a few at the bottom), so here are my new and improved Disney Princess rankings.

Below is my opinion (warning: it gets a little repetitive...). Feel free to disagree! :)

Favorite Princesses
1. Aurora
2. Rapunzel
3. Ariel
4. Mulan
5. Pocahontas
6. Cinderella
7. Tiana
8. Anna
9. Jasmine
10. Belle
11. Merida
12. Elsa
13. Snow White

Prettiest Princesses
1. Aurora
2. Ariel
3. Rapunzel
4. Pocahontas
5. Cinderella
6. Jasmine
7. Tiana
8. Belle
9. Mulan
10. Merida
11. Anna
12. Elsa
13. Snow White

Favorite Singing...
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added by AudreyFreak
added by fiina
Source: http://molliebjorgman.tumblr.com/post/105365556265/royal-skating-day-sorry-for-the-quality
added by Madmozell
added by PrincessFairy
Source: http://briannacherrygarcia.tumblr.com/post/98900446363/more-toned-paper-sketches-done-with-col-erase
Rapunzel makes appearance
Sofia Đệ Nhất
the curse of princess ivy
Những nàng công chúa Disney
Source: http://tinkeperi.tumblr.com/post/96486631010/disneys-pocahontas
added by australia-101
added by EduFerreiraLins
added by EduFerreiraLins
added by Asabala2
Source: tumblr/Constable-frozen
added by Peach_lover
I noticed I'm not good at describing beauties because I don't care much about that topic. But having a Prettiest Princess danh sách is crucial so I had to do this haha, enjoy :) The hình ảnh were made bởi petitetiaras, except for Anna's and Elsa's that were made bởi Punziella. I think it's a little easier to compare their beauties when they are modeled about the same way.

13. Merida
Merida is very unconventional looking so it's natural she would come in last on my list. Though she can look stunning. I've realized that after looking at some các biểu tượng from editor queens on Fanpop. But with that said,...
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posted by Annabethandco
Merida - Prologue:

The ngọn lửa, chữa cháy was burning low, casting dim and dancing shadows all around the room. Merida thought it was strangely appropriate that the flames had almost died out completely. After all, the brightest light in her life, her mother, was fading fast as well.

Quietly, she approached the queen, who lay still and motionless under the heavy velvet giường sheets. She looked so fragile sleeping. Her silver hair and deep wrinkles looked thêm prominent than usual. She was frowning slightly, as if she was having a bad dream. Merida didn’t really want to disturb her, but the priest had said...
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added by Winxclubgirl202
Source: Facebook
added by Winxclubgirl202
Source: Facebook
added by MJ_Fan_4Life007
Anna's was difficult, so let me know if bạn think any were wrong. Overall, I think Anna would value a sense of romance/adventure but also fun and loyalty. I think she'd prefer princesses who are thêm like her, but in the movie she seemed to want to be thêm graceful (if bạn remember that funny part in FTFTIF) and of course, family is a huge priority to Anna.

Thanks a lot to all of bạn who gave me danh sách ideas for this (especially Silverrose for the descriptions). Also, huge thank bạn to the then-fanpoppers princesslullaby and co. for originally doing this idea and inspiring me. I don't agree with...
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