Disney Pixar Cars 2 Funny Mater Line

Pick one:
Mater - Tow Mater, that’ s who - is here to help...
Mater - Tow Mater, that’s who - is here to help you.
My name is Mater, and I’ ll be your waiter.
My name is Mater, and I’ll be your waiter.
Perfect. Give me two of them!
Perfect. Give me two of them!
bạ n got it buddy. Hey, what&# 39; s that?
bạn got it buddy. Hey, what's that?
Hey! bạ n done good, bạ n got all the leaves!
Hey! bạn done good, bạn got all the leaves!
You&# 39; re just realizing that? Oh- ho! That jet lag...
You're just realizing that? Oh-ho! That jet lag really done a number on ya.
FREE?!! Well shoot what am I doing here?
FREE?!! Well shoot what am I doing here?
Whatever bạ n do, do not eat the free pistachio ice...
Whatever bạn do, do not eat the free pistachio ice cream. It has turned.
Watch out ladies, Mater’ s fittin’ to get...
Watch out ladies, Mater’s fittin’ to get funky!
What’ s a rendezvous?
What’s a rendezvous?
Whatever bạ n do, I would NOT, GO IN THERE!
Whatever bạn do, I would NOT, GO IN THERE!
Shoot, Dad- gum and What- Nah
Shoot, Dad-gum and What-Nah
Added by Hubie_Manes
All the Mater Lines From Cars And Cars 2
All the Mater Lines From Cars And Cars 2
Shoot! I'm the worlds best backwards driver, bạn watch this right here little boy
Added by sexylexi4
Tow Mater, adverage intelligence.
Tow Mater, adverage intelligence.
Added by Flowerkat9
is the choice you want missing? go ahead and add it!
 lovelife324 posted hơn một năm qua
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