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An early stage in the evolution of sauropods.

An early relative of Heterodontosaurus.

A close Asian relative of Camarasaurus.

The intact skull of this sauropod was discovered in 2010.

No, it's not a city in Greece.

Might this have been a growth stage of Pachyrhinosaurus?

This early hadrosaur lacked any ornamentation on its skull.

North America's earliest bone-headed dinosaur.

This titanosaur was named 50 years after its discovery.

A close relative of Massospondylus.

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posted by GabsSaw
Pachycephalosaurs were among some of the last Dinosaur groups to appear. They lived 75-65 mya.

They are named after one of the best-known members of the group, Pachycephalosaurus.

Pachycephalosaurus means "thick-headed reptile," due to the domed and hugely thickened bone on the hàng đầu, đầu trang of its skull--like a cyclist's crash helmet.

About 15 feet long from nose to tail, Pachycephalosaurus lived in Montana, South Dakota, and Wyoming.

Stegoceras, which also lived in North America, was about 8 feet long, with a body the size of a goat.

Homalocephale was about 10 feet long and had a flatter skull. It lived in East Asia.

Pachycephalosaurs may have defended themselves bởi loweringtheir heads and charging at their enemies.

At breeding time, the males may have engaged in head-butting contests, as some con cừu, cừu and goats do today.
posted by dragonsmemory
Could bạn have survived as a dinosaur? Answer these các câu hỏi to find out.

1. bạn are a hadrosaur living in North America during the late Cretaceous period. bạn have come to a turning and must either go left, where a herd of ceratopsians awaits you, hoặc turn right, where a lone Albertasaurus is standing. Which way do bạn turn?
A. Left
B. Right

2. bạn are a Gallimimus living in the Gobi Desert 70 million years ago. bạn see a Tarbosaurus in the distance, slowly coming your way. What should bạn do?
A. Run away
B. Hide

3. bạn are a Leaellynasaura living in southern Australia during the Cretaceous period....
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posted by GabsSaw
Dilophosaurus probably weighed about 1,100 pounds--as much as the biggest polar bears today.

Eustreptospondylus means "well-curved backbone". This is due to the arrangement of its spine sa seen in its fossils.

The remains of 60 Allosaurus were found in the Cleveland-Lloyd Dinosaur Quarry in Utah.

According to some experts, Ornitholestes may have had a slight ridge hoặc crest on its nose. Other experts disagree.

Oviraptor had two bony spikes inside its mouth that it may have used to crack open eggs when it closed its jaws.

On each foot, a Dromaeosaur had a large, curved claw that it could lung lay, swing in...
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posted by GabsSaw
Coelophysis was a small, agile dinosaur that lived at the start of the Age of Dinosaurs, about 220 mya.

A huge collection of Coelophysis fossils were found in the 1940s, at a place called Ghost Ranch, New Mexico.

Hundreds of Coelophysis fossils were preserved together at Ghost Ranch---possibly a herd that drowned in a flood.

Coelophysis was almost 10 feet in total length. Its slim, lightweight build meant that it probably weighed 55-60 pounds.

Coelophysis belonged to the group of Khủng long known as theropods. It most likely ate small động vật such as insects, worms, and lizards.

Long, powerful back legs allowed Coelophysis to run fast.

The front limbs were like arms, each with a hand bearing three large, strong, sharp-clawed fingers for grabbing prey.

The birdlike skull was filled with small, sharp teeth.

Coelophysis means "hollow form". It was called that because some of its Bones were hollow, like the Bones of birds making it lightly built.
posted by GabsSaw
The first dinosaur appeared around 230-225 mya, in the middle of the Triassic period.

These Khủng long were small-to-medium meat eaters with sharp teeth and claws. They ran quickly on their two longer back legs .

Fossils of Herrerasaurus ngày from 228 mya and were found near San Juan in Argentina, South America.

Herrarasaurus was about 10 feet in total length, and probably weighed 200 pounds.

At about the same time and in the same place as Herrarasaurus, there lived a similar-shaped dinosaur named Eoraptor, which was only 5 feet long.

The name Eoraptor means "dawn plunderer" hoặc "early thief".

Staurikosaurus was a meat eater similar to Herrarasaurus. It is known to have lived about the same time, in present ngày Brazil, South America.

Procompsognathus was another early meat eater. It lived in the late Triassic period in Germany.

Pisanosaurus lived in Argentina in the late Triassic Period, and was only 3 feet long. It may have been a plant eater.
posted by GabsSaw
Liverworts grew on mats of blue-green algae, which trapped nitrogen from the air. They used this nitrogen to grow.

Spriggina has a curved, shieldlike end to one part of its body. Some paleontologists think this was its head, while others think it was an anchor that secured it to the seabed.

Hemicyclaspis had eyes on hàng đầu, đầu trang of its head. This suggests it lived on the seabed and used its eyes to keep a look out for predators above.

Another difference between jawed and jawless cá was that jawed cá had a pair of nostrils, while jawless cá had just one.

Prehistoric sharks' jaws were fixed to the side...
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posted by GabsSaw
The First living things on earth were single-celled bacteria an cyanobacteria, also known as blue-green algae.

Blue-green algae emerged about 3,500 mya.(million years ago).
It contains chlorophyll and was the first living organism to use photosynthesis hoặc make energy using sunlight.

Over millions of years, the algae was able to produce enough oxygen to help thêm complex organisms to evolve.

True algae, which is regarded as a plant, evolved around 1,000 mya.

bởi 550 mya, multi celled plants began to appear, including seaweeds.

Algae and lichens were the first plants to appear on land.

Bryophyte plants emerged on land around 440 mya. Bryophytes are simple, seedless green plants.

Unlike vascular plants, which rvolved later, bryophytes cannot grow high above the ground because they do not have stems.
posted by andresandru
"try it!" Mr FLintson đã đưa ý kiến to his kid, to try his new invention, Daniel, the kid of 14 years, was testing something called "the chameleon device", a device witch let bạn imitate the form of any live beeing, it copied the structure language and habilities, everything, Daniel pointed at a cientist, he presed the device, it let out an almost invisible light, then, he moved the cdevice and he transformed into the cientist, this remembered him of ben 10.

"dad, why am I trying this?"

"Daniel, your uncle went on a mission in outer space, but he was intercepted bởi a giantic creature, bạn and your brother...
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"Abel's lizard" has been reconstructed from a single skull.

This fierce raptor was discovered in modern-day Mongolia.

The largest predator of the early Cretaceous period.

This raptor's hind claws were unusually small.

This "air-boned" dinosaur may have breathed like a bird.

One of the few carnivores ever to be dug up in north Africa.

A tiny, birdlike, North American dinosaur.

This carnivore was a close cousin of T. Rex.

Few specimens of this "unmarried lizard" have been found.

All we know...
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posted by GabsSaw
Vascular plants are thêm suited to living on drier land than mosses and liverworts.

They have branching stems with tubelike walls that carry water and nutrients.

These stems and walls also mean the plants can stand tall. Vascular plants have spores (reproductive cells, like seeds)-the taller the plant, the thêm widely it can disperse its spores.

One of the first known vascular plants was Cooksonia. It was about 2 inches tall, with a forked stem.

Paleontologists discovered fossil remains of Cooksonia in England.

Rhynie in Scotland is one site where lots of vascular plant fossils have been found....
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posted by godzillaman999
Vote to think who bạn think is going to win on the picks i will make the fights. there will be 28 Khủng long in the first round. which ever one gets voted the most wins! Go to picks. there will be 1 dinosaur to be voted to you. i'm not voteing because i made this. so it's up to bạn to see who will win tournment. that dinosaur will be the winner forever in this club if he gets voted the most in the final match. So vote for your dinosaur! how the dinosaur loses is he does not get voted the most. so he's out! if it's a tie, i will redo the match until it is over. so good luck!
posted by GabsSaw
Stegosaurus was the largest of the stegosaur group. Its fossils were found mainly in present-day Colorado, Utah, and Wyoming.

Like most of its group, Stegosaurus lived toward the end of the Jurassic period, about 150 mya.

Stegosaurus was about 25-30 feet long from nose to tail and probably weighed thêm than 2 tons.

Its most striking feature was the row of large, roughly triangular bony plates along its back.

The name Stegosaurus means "roof reptile". This is because it was first thought that its bony plates lay flat on its back, overlapping like the tiles on a roof.

It is now thought that the back...
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posted by GabsSaw
A small, wormlike creature called Pikaia is thought to be the ancestor of all backboned animals.

Its fossil remains were found in the 530- million-year-old mudstone deposits of the Burgess Shale in Canada.

Pikaia was the first known chordate. All backboned động vật belong to this group as well as marine động vật called tunicates and acraniates.

Pikaia was 2 inches long, with a notochord running around its body-- a kind of primitive spine that gave its body flexibility.

The notochord also allowed the animal's simple muscles to work against it, and the animal's body organs to hang from it.

Pikaia is...
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