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posted by Saiha12
 Danny Evil Phantom
Danny Evil Phantom
Danny Phantom fanfiction ( April Fool)
by SAIHA12, 3 hours, 22 phút ago
Journals / Personal
I was in my room staring my self in the mirror then i feel something pass through my window, I glance toward the window but see nothing then turn back look at in the mirror and gasp in horror. Danny stood behind me across my bed.
"Danny! do bạn scare me like that" I yell at him but i saw just smirk on his face. Why he's smirking like that?
"Danny why_What are bạn doing here at this time? Its..." I lean to look at my watch and it đã đưa ý kiến "......12:05" I complete my sentence.
"I'm here for your...
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added by dplove
added by laura199627
This was made bởi AgentDPS1. This song really fits perfectly because Danny Phatom will be remembered forever :)
danny phantom
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Source: Danny Phantom Friendship Meme
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Source: Nickelodeon
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Source: Nickelodeon
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Source: Nickelodeon
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Source: Nickelodeon
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Source: Nickelodeon
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Source: FeyPhantom on deviantart
added by bigpurplemuppet
Source: Nickelodeon
added by bigpurplemuppet
Source: Nickelodeon