xin chào Fans! Ed O’Neill is nominated for a 2012 Big Daddy Award as TV Hall of Fame Big Daddy! bạn can vote for him as many times as bạn want starting MONDAY at!
đã đăng hơn một năm qua
Hello My Darling Love How are bạn again today? Hope bạn are ok? Honey I have Come to check if there is any mail from bạn and still i did not see, Honey Please try to reply and tell me if bạn are ok, because I am thêm than Worry about bạn i will stop here and expect hearing from bạn soon Please do not Ignore My mail(grace2012godwill@yahoo.cOm) tình yêu you Grace grace 2 / 0 / 1 / 2 / g / o / d / w / i / l / l / At / yah / oo / . / c o m )
đã đăng hơn một năm qua
Hello Christina, Still looking good after all these years, I used 2 kind of Idolize U a little when U were still on Married with Children. U still got it going on and seem 2 be doing pretty well 4 U'rself, so that is great. I wonder if U'r as cool and down 2 earth as U appear 2 B?
Just an Admirer, Rich Stochl (AKA Renegade) (USN Retired)
đã đăng hơn một năm qua
In the last few seasons of Married With Children, Christian Applegate as Kelly was so hot that when I watch one of the episodes these days and see her lookin especially fine I sometimes involuntarily SCREAM!!!