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What do bạn think.....

If a baby dies when it is born does it go to Heaven hoặc Hell? B/c everybody is born with sin but it is just a baby. I have been wondering this for a while now and so I was just wondering.
 Firebender-16 posted hơn một năm qua
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Thiên chúa giáo Các Câu Trả Lời

dreamfields said:
I've always believed that em bé are covered bởi grace and would go to Heaven, untill they reach the age of accountability. The age when they can tell right from wrong.
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No I mean die like when they first come out of the mom
Firebender-16 posted hơn một năm qua
This is a hard topic to think about. My opinion is that newborns do not have capacity to choose right hoặc wrong, that they are covered bởi a special grace. Even though scripture may not say it directly, Jesus shows God's special feelings towards children when he warns anyone who offends hoặc harms them.
dreamfields posted hơn một năm qua
livetobefree said:
Ok, here's my opinion. I whole heartedly believe that em bé go to heaven no matter where hoặc who they are born too. em bé do not have the ability to sin until they are aware of what they are doing and learn the language of their surroundings. em bé have not commited sin though they were born sinners. em bé are perfect when it comes to not sinning and are pure. I believe that em bé are born knowing God and adjust their beliefs unknowingly depending on the religion of their parents hoặc guardien. Muslims believe that every baby is born muslim and grows into the religion they're introduce to and must find their way back to Allah. I think this is true except that every baby is born Christian.
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posted hơn một năm qua 
ya but nobody is born perfect
Firebender-16 posted hơn một năm qua
I know, but em bé do not intentionally sin
livetobefree posted hơn một năm qua
Maria1307 said:
Ithink the baby goes to purgatory.
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posted hơn một năm qua 
Um, whats that?
Nico-di-Angelo posted hơn một năm qua
we Catholics (assuming Maria is one) believe in it
livetobefree posted hơn một năm qua
Nevermore_ said:
In my opinion, no.

I don't believe in hell actually, because I don't think that any truly perfect and loving god would hoặc could send one of their creations to a place that would only instil eternal suffering, no matter what they did, god still loves them right? Isn't your god supposed to be one of một giây chances? There IS no một giây chance if bạn just go straight to hell, especially if it's for something so innocent and natural and vital as being born...

Then again, I'm not Christian, so bạn can disregard this if bạn like (:
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bby11us said:
I considered Purgatory, but truly, that doesn't seem fair for an infant in my opinion. They have no accountability and though born with original sin, they ARE pure of heart, innocent, and cannot tell right from wrong. They have the original sin of our souls, but no earthly sin as of yet, if that makes sense.

So, because of that, I believe there is a sort of pardon granted to young children and those that aren't mentally capable of choosing right from wrong. They bypass any extensive cleansing and are taken directly to our Creator.

I think of how people used to believe that those with Leprosy were going through their Purgatory time on Earth, instead of in the afterlife...Perhaps it's something similar in this case? Because of what they've endured, hoặc had no chance to endure, they are được trao that pass.
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vic5293 said:
Heaven :D
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icuSTALKER said:
They go to heaven because since they are newborn, they don't have choices to sin hoặc not. They're minds are of simplicity and innocence. They havent even developed a sense of right hoặc wrong. God does not hold them guilty because he is just that way and he won't punish them for something they didn't hoặc did do and they didn't do anything. So no, they won't go to hell. They are born again, as we would be spiritually according to John 3 so they committed no blasphemy.
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Nico-di-Angelo said:
I think the baby would go to heaven. I mean, even though its born with a sinful soul, it hasnt had a chance to sin. Unless bạn count making its family very sad, but that is not the infants fault. They didnt choose to cause sorrow. God is merciful and would, in my opinion, send the newborn to heaven.
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loveofdelena said:
heaven. Jesus loved children. the were the eptomime of grace and innocence.
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