"A lot of people are like, ‘So bạn want to be famous.’ And I’m like, ‘No, I want to be good at my craft. I don’t care about fame, I don’t care if I even ever make it. As long as people know what I am as an actress in this business, I’m set for my career right now.’ I actually work at my craft, and I actually want to be the best in my category, and I want to be a true actress. And a lot of people just want fame, and there’s a huge difference.” — Chloë Grace Moretz
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I tình yêu bạn CHLOE i wish i could come and say it to bạn face but i;m all the way in Wales.I want to prove my love, but lets face it I will never get the chance to see bạn in front of me and say the things I want to say but! I will see bạn in my dreams.
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Tomorrow is Chloe's birth day.. Am i Right??Advance HAPPY BIRTH ngày CHLOE MORETZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Luv bạn always.................
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I tình yêu bạn Chloe and I can't wait to see bạn in Carrie. I loved bạn in Kick đít, mông, ass and I also can't wait to see Kick đít, mông, ass 2, tình yêu Courtney <3hơn một năm qua
Chloe is >COOL<, Beautiful and really nice. Your the Best-Actor of your age^^ good luck with your career and hope to see yah in person ^^ lolbye..>>
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Chloe i tình yêu bạn and all your phim chiếu rạp but kick đít, mông, ass is my yêu thích and let me in too .You are awesome!!!!
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