Carlos is like my life!!! He's sooo adorable, inside and out!!! He sees ppl for who they r and he cares thêm about other ppl than he does himself. Whoever becomes his gf will be the luckiest girl alive. <3 u carlos :)
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Carlos iLove bạn SOOOOO Much thêm Then ENYONE! Juss Seyinqqq ! Buht Yeah Ur MY'LOVE ur my one and ONLY everyone BACK OFFFFF ! nd im qoinq to ur buổi hòa nhạc AUGUST 3rd ! and iCant waittt !!
-iLoveYouCarlos<3 -Love, Mrs.Pena<3;-$*~
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oh so cool!!!!! Carlos his b-day is just two days before mine!(15 august from carlos and mine 17 august) so cool!!!! ps:love bạn carlos!;-)
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