Candy - cô bé mồ côi Candy - Cô Bé Mồ Côi Links
Terry Grandchester regresa como un heroe bironico con un oscuro secreto en la pelicula de kẹo Candy, Amor Sombrio, presentada por El Mundo Gotico de Lady Sybilla
6 fans
The kẹo kẹo Movie, Somber Beloved, is back with Part 3: "Terry's Dark Secret." Don't miss it if bạn tình yêu Terry and Candy. Somber Beloved is a Gô tích romance that portrays Terry as a Byronic hero who's got something to hide.
1 fan
Come check out an exclusive gallery of the best Terry Grandchester fanarts on DeviantArt.
2 fans
Somber Beloved is the new Gô tích Sequel to kẹo kẹo written bởi Lady Sybilla. bạn can read the opening scene here.