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Buffyverse Comics Have bạn heard the rumors about Spike changing sides in After the Fall? What do bạn think it means?

25 fans picked:
 NikaDawson posted hơn một năm qua
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NikaDawson picked Yes:
For those who haven't heard the rumors I'm talking about are about Spike changing sides in Issue 6. There are many speculations on what that could mean. The main one is that he goes evil again. Brian Lynch has assured fans when they find out what it actually is they will laugh at their worrying.

Right now, I'm actually of the mind that he will be leaving Illyria's side and joining Angel's.
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hey there nika, you might want to check out the buffy verse comics spot?
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NikaDawson picked Yes:
Yeah, I realized after I posted this here that I probably should have put it there, lol.
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nosemuffin picked Yes:
Yes, and it had better be a trick of some sort. I didn't hear what Lynch had said, so I'm greatful that you posted that, it puts me at ease a bit. Spike is my favorite character in the whole Buffyverse and so far, I'm not a huge fan of how he's being written. Everyone else is great, perfect even, so I've been hoping that it's all for a reason, and that he'll get a little more meat later on.
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NinjaMinkey picked No:
He's always been on the same side... his.
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NikaDawson picked Yes:
Actually, he's mostly always been on the side of the women he loved. With Drusilla he was evil, and with Buffy it was a stuggle to be good until he was.
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MadChikaDee picked No:
so if his on angel's side he lovves angel! maybe thats what lynch meant when he said "when they find out what it actually is they will laugh at their worrying." gosh that would be weird! lol like buffy... so didnt see that coming :P
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Faith-Rulz picked No:
hmmm...either way it make a good story, is he back being evil? or is he just playing both sides to get what he wants? he is on the side of good, just trying to get the info he needs to make his move?
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smvgirl1988 picked No:
i just love seeing spike as good and great kicking but and saving the world he is just an amazing character.
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