her boyfriend...his pretty girl

The way it is supposed to be.

Have bạn ever met someone who at the first time bạn make a mistake, defends bạn whole heartedly, and makes bạn feel a little better about yourself! Someone who even though bạn have your differences is so sweet and kind that it makes bạn forget about all those dissimilarities. Well that is what Laurencia7 did for me! So i just want to say thank bạn so much for standing up for me even though I didn't deserve it! bạn are a rocking Leytoner and even though bạn are from the dark side LOL – Liên minh huyền thoại I really think bạn are an amazing person! So here is to Brucas and Leyton những người hâm mộ being able to exist in one world and being able to meet kick đít, mông, ass individuals like Laurencia7! bạn rock girl even if bạn are a Leyton slap my booty they got cooties người hâm mộ lol! Just kidding about that, but it totally rhymed so i had to use it! tình yêu ya!
