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posted by brucaslove4eva1
 her boyfriend...his pretty girl
her boyfriend...his pretty girl
After watching episode 5x15, that episode have many Brucas moments, i noticed chemistry in some feelings being there between brooke and Lucas.
The first time to notice it was when Lucas helped Brooke put Angie's ghế, chỗ ngồi in the car, and then right after suggesting to come with Brooke to Angie's open tim, trái tim surgery. *aw*
Then at almost the very end of the episode, Brooke goes to Lucas' house to settle down Angie. (She could have gone somewhere else u kno)
And then closer to the end of the episode, Brooke was about to leave Lucas' house to at least let him get any sleep at all. But Lucas says,"Stay,...
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posted by brattynemz
 The way it is supposed to be.
The way it is supposed to be.
NATHAN: Last year, we stood on a bờ biển, bãi biển and I told bạn how much I loved bạn and how I would always, always protect you. And that day, nobody believed that this would work. But I don’t think anybody understood the tình yêu that I had for you, because if they did, they wouldn’t have ever doubted us. So I wanted to marry bạn all over again, in front of most of our world; because today, when I look into your eyes, my tình yêu for bạn only grows. It’s even stronger now and our tình yêu will never waver, and this I vow to bạn today and always and forever.

I think this fits BL (and BL fans) as well. Not in...
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posted by raychiebabe
This is just a really quick message to everyone out there who loves Brucas as much as i do, i have to say that i always check out all the different pages and have noticed that on the One cây đồi núi, hill page not enough những người hâm mộ are doing any of the picks and there is so much Brucas bashing its silly. Anyways i think that we need to support Brucas everywhere because whenever we see interviews with Mark and members of the cast they always refer back to how big the internet following is, so we never know what they could be reading. Also we already know that the writers value our opinion...So lets put it out there...
posted by Brucas_Chophia
Okay, I didn't do this, I found it in Fanforum, and I tình yêu it! It's about 3x18, episode that I think is underrated, and analyzes the BL scenes of course <33
I think you're gonna tình yêu it!!

ok, sorry it took so long, my internet wasn't working & then ff wasn't working. Ok, the ep I've chosen as my fave BL episode, I wasn't sure about simply bc it's an episode where BL don't even have a storyline, in fact the whole episode itself is pretty filler, there's no important storyline. It's 3.18

What I tình yêu about this episode is how bạn just get to see Brooke & Lucas being a couple, they're...
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posted by dermer4ever
Ok this really isn't about Brucas thêm of a rant. I usually don't piss and Moan about stuff. But i am kinda of getting sick of Brucas haters coming on this spot rating stuff Low i work really hard on the stuff i make and just because bạn hate Brucas that does not give bạn the right to come here and rate my stuff low hoặc the stuff i find low it really pisses me off if bạn do not like Brucas what are bạn doing here. I know most of us do not rate stuff low unless their are a hater hoặc miscatorgized. whenever i take someone stuff from a site i always credit them so the the hatered toward the Brucas art and video needs to stop. It take me hoặc the other artist a long đít, mông, ass time to find the pictures and the art we make so if bạn do not like Brucas don't come here bạn don't see me going to the Leyton spot rating stuff low just because i do not like them so stop it.
posted by RoXanne4Brucas
The legend of the Queen of hearts.

The legend of the Queen of hearts started from the first season,when Lucas and Brooke shared their first kiss.The red colour appeared in the hot scene wen Brooke’s tatoo was near her RED underwear.In the other words,their first fizical contact and the beginning of their relationship started under the influence of this color.
They both became thêm mature when Brooke thought that she was pregnant.The appearance of the RED color one the pregnancy test was a hard moment for them when they realized that life wasn’t that easy as it seemed.
From the beginning ,...
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"I do what I do. And I like what I like and that's just who I am. "
"I know. That's what I tình yêu about you"

“All I really want to see is Lucas laugh again, hear him song off key, watch him roll his eyes when I steal French fries off his plate. All I’m trying to say is, I’m crazy about your son and I hope that’s enough for you”

"...Felix, we kind of stopped benifiting!
"I´m glad...I´m not about the windscreen, but about the rest of it."
"Why because bạn don´t like him?"
"no... because your better then that"

"This is all about courage, nobody is gonna believe this, coming...
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Ok, I don't know who else watches/watched Dawson's Creek but I find HUGE similarities to the Joey and Pacey's relationship(Jacey, JP) to Brucas (BL); and Joey and Dawson's realtionship (Doey, JD) to Leyton(LP).
Doey and Leyton are 'platonic soulmates'. i.e. they share similar interests JD film, analyzing, academic fulfillment; LP music, abandonment, the arts (writing and drawing).
LP and JD seem to be unable to function normally with hoặc without the other. Both share traumatic experiences and are there for each other which undoubtedly gives them a close emotional bond.

However, when they...
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posted by Broody_4_Cheery
Okay, so i'm pretty bored and my vòi hoa sen plans were put on hold which kinda sucks caus i kinda need to be clean to go out. So I'm putting that on hold.

Anyway... i'm gonna share a story, and it's not really bl related at all, maybe i'll throw in somethings at the end. The topic of this bài viết is phone calls.

Yesterday i got one of those 'who's this?' phone calls, and if bạn don't know what i mean it's when someone calls bạn and is all like who is this, and it's like come on bạn called me! so it went like this (and really i'm not always so bitchy but strangers on the phone can bring out the bitch...
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posted by bl0ndy
xin chào guys. I saw this biểu tượng and I suddenly felt ... relieved. Finally the whole Brucas vs. Leyton war is over and although that we the Brucas những người hâm mộ Mất tích the war,I'm glad that we won a lot of battles.Brucas had their amazing moments,their tình yêu and also their friendship will always stay in our hearts.Maybe Brucas weren't meant to be after all...Don't get me the wrong way,I'll always adore Brucas,but watching "Remember me as a time of day" I really enjoyed Leyton's moments. I got surprised having in mind that I have ALWAYS hated Leyton.I guess I realised that there is not even a little chance to...
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posted by CheeryDavis
Have bạn ever met someone who at the first time bạn make a mistake, defends bạn whole heartedly, and makes bạn feel a little better about yourself! Someone who even though bạn have your differences is so sweet and kind that it makes bạn forget about all those dissimilarities. Well that is what Laurencia7 did for me! So i just want to say thank bạn so much for standing up for me even though I didn't deserve it! bạn are a rocking Leytoner and even though bạn are from the dark side LOL – Liên minh huyền thoại I really think bạn are an amazing person! So here is to Brucas and Leyton những người hâm mộ being able to exist in one world and being able to meet kick đít, mông, ass individuals like Laurencia7! bạn rock girl even if bạn are a Leyton slap my booty they got cooties người hâm mộ lol! Just kidding about that, but it totally rhymed so i had to use it! tình yêu ya!
posted by Broody_4_Cheery
i got bored and this was just something i did so my hands had something to do hoặc i would slap someone, and i try not to promote violence, so i guess i should disclaim it, yeah i dont own oth and bạn all know that.

Jamie doesn't get love

I don’t get old people hoặc the whole tình yêu thing. I mean, I think I know what tình yêu is. I tình yêu Momma and Dad, and of course I tình yêu Chester, and I tình yêu Aunt Brooke and Uncle Lucas, and I tình yêu Uncle Skillz and Nanny Deb, and I tình yêu bóng rổ and ice cream and I tình yêu my wii. tình yêu doesn’t seem that complicated.

I don’t know why old people have such a problem with...
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posted by bdavisrocks
Refuting some BL negativity :)

False Theory #1 = Season 1 Brucas were all fun and shallow:

Brooke: What I mean is..I do what I do, and I like what I like, and that's just who I am.
Lucas: I know, and that's what I love about you.
Brooke: Ok, but the âm nhạc that bạn listen to and the sách that bạn read..I'm not into any of that stuff.
Lucas: And I never asked bạn to be, ok? bạn know, I kinda enjoy the fact that we're different.
Brooke: Ok. I'm sorry. It's just that, you're the first really great guy I've ever dated, and that really scares me because I never gave a rat's đít, mông, ass before, ok?...
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posted by brucas_naley101
Brooke and Lucas walk in to the Naley house.
"Cooper! What are bạn doing her?" Lucas asked at seeing him.
"Hot Uncle Cooper!" Brooke yelled at the same time as Lucas.
"Hey Brooke Lucas." Cooper said, hugging them.
"Uncle Luke! Aunt Brooke! I want to see some pictures of bạn and Daddy all messy." Jamie đã đưa ý kiến to them.
"What pictures are we talking about?" Cooper asked. Brucas and Naley laughed, Brooke took out her ofhone and showed Jamie and Cooper the pictures.
"What the Hell!" Cooper said, causing everyone to laugh, and Lucas explained the story. "You two always were kinda cute when bạn were together."...
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posted by Broody_4_Cheery
hannah though your little walk in hasn't happened yet i am planning on nghề viết văn it in, probably chapter seventeen.

Chapter Thirteen


If bạn were to spread my life out in front of you, the good, the bad and the seemingly insignificant, it may read as a tragedy. If bạn look deeper, if bạn don't get distracted bởi the darker facts – dead beat dad, bullied, poor, murdered uncle, left at the alter, widowed, dying son – then my life is far from tragic. I've been gifted, I truly believe that, yes I have Mất tích and may still lose more, and it is painful however the reason why it is so painful is...
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posted by Broody_4_Cheery
okay its thêm breyton than brucas, but well i think blers will appreciate it more. yeah still dont own oth.


Love is not tình yêu which alters when it alteration finds.
- Shakespeare

There is something similar about this scene, something that at the moment neither girl can really pin point. They stand in front of each other, two best Những người bạn who have gone through so much together, one a stunning brunette and the other a beautiful blonde. Brooke Davis is known for her smile and cheery attitude, but over the last few months life has beaten something out of her and that smile is...
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posted by brucas_naley101
So this is like oth season 7 my way :P . FYI this is NOT like the one we talked bout Krissy. It's still good..... I hope :P . And this has LOTS of Brucas, Jeyton, and Naley.

The Leyton House
Peyton's cell rings, "Can bạn get that, Luke?" she calls from where she is sitting holding Sawyer. "Sure." and he runs to get her phone. He picks up the phone but before he can say anything he hears someone on the other line yelling, "Peyton! bạn đã đưa ý kiến bạn were going to tell him! I'm tired of sneaking around! This was on your terms but now we are DONE if bạn don't leave Lucas like bạn đã đưa ý kiến bạn would, and...
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bạn have such pretty words, shame they are repeated, engraved and forever in my heart.

Even though it turned out to be a lie, bạn still gave me tình yêu and with that i can go on knowing that we did once tình yêu and we grew together & we have the memories that no one can take away from us.
Brooke: There are 82 letters in here, and they're all addressed to you. I wrote them all this summer. One a day, but I never sent them 'cause I was afraid.
Lucas Scott: Brooke...
Brooke: I was afraid of getting my tim, trái tim broken again, like before. 'Cause bạn hurt...
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This fanfic is the result of boredom and desperate need for a fanatic.
Here we go :)

Umm yeah.
So about a năm has passed since leyton gave birth to their child and were married.
Brooke is out being a hot sexy fashion designer, and Luke is a fugly stay at trang chủ dad.

"Yo Luke bạn gonna fry me up some chicken? I'm hungry."
"In a moment dear, I'm wiping Sawyer's doodoo."
"Your such a pansy ass." -she sits down on the lounge chair and unzips her jeans- "I need a little breathing room!" -takes a sip of beer-. "Who decided to name the fart Sawyer anyways? What a dumbass name!"
"You did,...
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posted by Broody_4_Cheery
so i dont know if i gott disclaim here but better to be an toàn, két an toàn than sued. so i dont own anything. so that whole lucas' novel thing pisses me off so this helped me with my feelinsg about that subject. :) apologies for spelling mistakes, i dont do the editing thing and my little fingers type faster than they should.

Such is the inconsistency of real love, that it is always awake to suspicion, however unreasonable; always requiring new assurances from the object of its interest. - Ann Radcliffe

Sitting in front of his computer Lucas Scott stared at the words in front of him, there on screen his heart...
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