Britney and Justin Links
Britney Spears has responded to the backlash she is receiving from Australia's media about her lip-synching.
những thông tin cập nhập from her team, her website and even Britney herself!
những thông tin cập nhập from her team, her website and even Britney herself!
1 fan
Britney & Justin reportedly in talks to tham gia Michael Jackson onstage in Luân Đôn
1 fan
I do not own this site :) xXx
1 fan
I do not own these site :)
1 fan
Vote for there âm nhạc video, bạn can vote once a day. Sorry but the language is dutch.
1 fan
Just check this out!!! I can't wait to see them performing with each other!!! Eat this Jessica Biel!!!
2 fans
OMG, Sorry but now I'm a little going crazy!!! Just read this and bạn know what I mean. xXx Bitbit-girl
4 fans
Here bạn can tham gia the fanlisthing of Britney and Justin. Please join!!! Maybe we can help them. Bitbit-girl
2 fans
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