Berserk and Brick Club
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*last time*

*later that night*

Berserk- I'm here

the person- Your lucky we'll let bạn stay here...after what bạn did.


the person- shut up and sit down


*Berserk,Brat and Brute's room,5:00 am*

Brat:*yawn*Ugh,Brute why are bạn up so early?Don't bạn know it's 5:00 am bạn moron.

Brute:Your soo stupid,how could bạn do such a thing?!Because of bạn and your big mouth BERSERK'S GONE AND BRICK'S IN THE HOSPITAL!!

Brat:Your still on that,let it go it was for her good,I was doing her a favor.

Brute:And your proud of that?!

Brat:Should I not be?

Brute:No!Because now she's gone and who knows how long...
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Berserk:*brushing hair*
Brat:what are bạn doing
Brute:yeah what are bạn doing
Berserk:getting ready to meet brick at the park
brat and brute:ok
(at the rrb's house)
Brick:putting colone on
Boomer and Butch:dude why are u doing that
Brick:im getting ready to see berserk
Boomer and Butch:the park can we come
Boomer and Butch:OK GEEZ
(at the punks)
Brat and Brute:can we come
Berserk:i need to go to the park
(at the rrb)
Brick:i need to go to the park
at the park
berserk:hi brick
brick:hi berserk bạn look beautiful
Berserk:thanks bạn look handsome
Brick:thanks and i have a question
Berserk:whats the question?
Brick:do bạn want to go out
Berserk:sure*thinking YEAH*
Brick:i have to go bye *starts walkin*
Berserk:wait *runs to brick*
brick:*stops walking*yeah berserk
Berserk:*kisses brick on the cheek*
Berserk:bye cutie
Brick:bye beauty
Brick: hi Berserk
Berserk:hi Brick
Brick:um...*sits down* so whats up
Berserk:*sits down* nothing what about you
Brick nothing *moves hand closer to berserk's
Berserk:*thinks hes so cute*
Brat:earth to Berserk
Berserk:what brat
Brat:we need to go trang chủ *walks away*
Berserk:bye brick see bạn later
Brick: wait *runs to berserk*

Berserk:*says sweetly* what
Brick *kisses Berserk*
Berserk:well i gotta go trang chủ wanna hangout tomorrow
Brick:HECK YEAH i mean sure
Berserk:see bạn tomorrow i guess
Brick:ok see you
It was morning and Berserk was up making breakfast.

Berserk- La De DA!! *flips pancakes*
*family wakes up*

Brat-Mmm your bánh xèo, bánh kếp smell god da- Berserk?Since when do bạn make bánh xèo, bánh kếp and wake up 7:00 am?

Berserk-I can't do anything sweet for my loving family??

Brat-You can it's just..

Berserk-Just what?? *flips pancake*

Brat-It's not something bạn do.*yawns*

*Brute comes down*


Brat-Hey um so where were bạn last night??

Brute-Yea,you came in so late.

Berserk-Oh yesterday?As in the night before!!??

Brat and Brute- UH-DUH!!!

Berserk-*picturing Brick and her's kiss*

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*7:00 AM*

dad-Morning Berserk,there's pancakes!Berserk?

Brute-Dad whats the matter?

dad-Shut up and go back to eating pancakes!!

Brute- Fine.*flies down the stairs*

dad- Berserk,*goes to her giường and lifts off the cover.F*UCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SHE'S AIN'T HERE WHICH MEANS... BRICK.

Brute-Dad,you okay.



doctor- Okay Brick,take this pill.

Brick-Shut up and give me the pill *snatches the pill*

nurse-Doctor he loosened his cast.

doctor-Okay.This won't hurt a bit.*fixing cast*

Brick- YOWWW! bạn đã đưa ý kiến IT WOULDN'T HURT!*shoot out laser*

nurse-Okay Bricky,calm...
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*7:06 in the morning*

Berserk-He's not picking up,maybe I'll call him later.*picks up the picture of Brick* I miss him.

*Brat wakes up*

Brat-Berserk?Who are bạn calling?

Berserk-Oh um,no one just ordering pizza.*puts picture of Brick in box*

Brat-Who's picture???

Berserk-Nobody important.*puts phone on charger*

Brat-Come on tell me bạn been diễn xuất weird and I wanna know what's wrong.

Berserk-Fine *sighs*

*Brute wakes up*


Berserk and Brat-Hey

Brat-Okay tell us.

Berserk-Fine... I was dating a rowdy.


Berserk-*shakes her head*


Berserk-*shakes her head*

Brat-Don't tell me it's......
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Blossom- Brick I told bạn get me Winterfresh and bạn get me Juicy fruit!Do bạn even tình yêu me!!!

Brick- Just be happy with the gum okay,it's not a big deal bạn act like we're married.

Blossom- It's because I tình yêu you!!And this proves once again bạn don't even listen to me!!! *starts to cry*

Brick-I'm going out,I don't have to put up with this!!

Blossom-WELL THEN WE'RE THROUGH!!! *slaps him*

Brick-Whatever flies out the door


Brick-I'ma steal some candy,stupid Blossom.

*candy store*

Berserk- Listen stupid,I...
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* Brick and Berserk at a movie*

This is soo odd,I mean we're together and not even fighting.

I know Berserk,now hush the movie is about to start
*movie begins to hiển thị up*

Um Brick we're supposed to talk not watch a movie.

Well let's talk

Okay then.

Can bạn get me some popcorn

Excuse me I was talking to bạn right.

Yeah but...

Hey I would appreciate the bắp rang bơ, bỏng ngô now.

Who do bạn think I am.

Your Berserk.My date.The person who is standing up and blocking the movie from the other people,who won't shut up and Blossom's counterpart.


Please shhh

What ever I'm leaving

Hey ...


Get me a slushy


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Brick*playing guitar* *sings* i cant make a tình yêu song *looks at pic of Berserk* *hugs it* not knowing his brothers were watching the whole time
Boomer:Brick has a girlfriend
Butch:who is she
Brick:ok her name is berserk im trying to write her a tình yêu song
Boomer and Butch:Awwwww
Brick:shut up
(at the punks house)
Berserk:*making brick a song**looks at pic of brick* *hugs it*Brat and Brute just staring at her
Brute and Brat:stop being a girly girl anyway lets go to the mall
Berserk:ok i guess so
(at the rrb)
Butch:guys wanna go to the new giày trượt băng, skate park at the mall
Boomer and Brick:sure
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posted by lovecole
Berserk:hi Brick

Brick:hi Berserk

Brat: what do bạn see in him?

Berserk: he's cute funny and just so cute !

Brunt: aw gross

Bart: no it is cute

Brick: are bạn coming to the movies?

Berserk: YES! i mean yes

Brunt: yeep

Bart;: stop it ! it's so cute

Brunt: bạn need to stop lying

Bart:i am not lying
Berserk: i cant wait to go to the phim chiếu rạp with the hotest guy in the world

Burnt: thêm like the lameest

Bart: say one thing ales i will kill bạn

Berserk: Brunt shut up


Bart: thank bạn Berserk

Burnt: hay!


Berserk: i am so happy i am going on a data with brick !

Bart: i am happy for bạn !

Berserk:*writes in diary*Dear diary i have a boyfriend named brick but dad would kill me if he found out.I need to tell him someday just need to tell him when hes happy
2 weeks later
Dad:berserk breakfast
Berserk:ok *walks downstairs*
Dad:im going to clean upstairs
Dad:is that a diary i shouldnt ill just pick a ngẫu nhiên page SHE HAS A WHAT???!!!
Brute:whats wrong
dad nothing


Me:sorry i didnt have alot of time is why its short