Being Nice What is the best little everyday way to be nice?

Pick one:
Give a compliment
Give a hug
Give a piece of Sô cô la
Give a điểm thưởng
Do a favour hoặc lend a helping hand
Blow a Kiss
Simply smile - it's contageous
Added by DrDevience
dont be mean, EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Added by heroesfan4eva
All of the Above
Added by Pucca_Pink
Added by sorealcruroxz
Added by marygenevieve
be patient listner:]
Added by smile_its_ME
all of the above
Give them thự c phẩ m and smile at them
Give them thực phẩm and smile at them
is the choice you want missing? go ahead and add it!
 AmyFitz posted hơn một năm qua
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