tutorial for a Beaded 3D lê, quả lê charm, I used four different colour of green glass seed beads. bạn can always differ the size of the beaded lê, quả lê bởi changing the bead size, bạn can even use crystal for bigger beaded crystal pear.
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the tutorial for a Beaded 3D mini cake charm, I used seed beads, adopting the Right Angle Weave technique. bạn can always differ the size of the beaded cake bởi changing the bead size, bạn can even use crystal for bigger beaded crystal cakes.
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Free tutorial for a Beaded 3D cake charm, I used seed beads, adopting the Right Angle Weave technique.
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Just finished drawing the tutorial for a Beaded 3D dưa hấu charm, I used seed beads, adopting the Right Angle Weave technique.
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Just finished drawing the tutorial for a Beaded 3D giống nho, nho cluster charm, I used seed beads, adopting the Right Angle Weave technique. Great as earrings, pendant, phone charm, bag charm hoặc wine charm!
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Elegant Gemstone Co. is the leading gemstone manufacturer. We wholesale high quality natural citrine round beads and citrine faceted round beads with very good prices. For thêm information, please visit our website: link
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Beaded 3D Halloween Jack O Lantern Charm tutorial
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It's the màu hồng, hồng cupcake tutorial lots of bạn were voted and waiting for! It's not too difficult to make, just two pages long of tutorial, much easier than the big crystal one but a bit thêm beading to do compared to the easy one.
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Just finished the một giây beaded cupcake tutorial, this is much simpler than the first one. See the free tutorial at: link Thanks for looking!