Barbara Stanwyck Barbara Stanwyck's Birthday today!

MsMerlina posted on Jul 17, 2009 at 05:02AM
Hello all! Today, July 16th, I enjoyed a beautiful summer day and I thought of Barbara several times throughout. This afternoon I went to the beach, had a nice swim and later I picked a red rose for her. Today I recorded 'The Locked Door' a 1929 movie on Turner Classic Movies, starring a very young Barbara!

Happy Birthday, Barbara! Sending much love to you!

last edited on Jul 17, 2009 at 05:04AM

Barbara Stanwyck 1 reply

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hơn một năm qua MsMerlina said…
Here we are, 2014 and I'm looking at the birthday greeting 5 years ago...much has happened in my life but Barbara in the movies, a new biography written by Victoria Wilson...and much more about Ms Stanwyck has continued to inspire me! Happy Birthday, Barbara!