Barbara Stanwyck Club
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posted by DR76
"TITANIC" (1953) Review

As many moviegoers know, there have been numerous film and ti vi productions about the maiden voyage and sinking of the R.M.S. Titanic on April 15, 1912. The most famous production happens to be James Cameron's 1997 Oscar winning opus. However, I do wonder if there are any những người hâm mộ who are aware that another Titanic movie managed to strike Oscar gold.

Directed bởi Jean Negulesco, the 1953 movie "TITANIC" focused on the personal lives of a wealthy American family torn asunder bởi marital strife, a deep secret and the historic sinking of the Titanic. Family matriarch Mrs....
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"CALIFORNIA" (1947) Review

I am a history nut. And one of my yêu thích historical periods that I tình yêu to study is the Antebellum Era of the United States. One of my yêu thích topics from this period is the California vàng Rush. I also tình yêu movies. But despite this love, I have been constantly disappointed bởi Hollywood's inability to create a first-rate movie about vàng Rush.

I may have to take back my bình luận about Hollywood's inability to produce a first-rate movie hoặc ti vi production about the vàng Rush. There were at least three that managed to impress me. Unfortunately, the latest film...
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January 20th, 2014 marks 24 years since Barbara passed away. Barbara, we - the fans, miss you. I'm marking the occasion with a link to a great new biography written about Barbara, a 1000 page plus beautiful, descriptive hard cover book called Barbara Stanwyck - Steel True - Volume One written bởi Victoria Wilson. The thick volume, covering years from 1907 - 1940 has black & white các bức ảnh throughout. I tình yêu this book! An excellent reference regarding all phim chiếu rạp Barbara made as well as plays, radio shows and much more. We tình yêu you, Barbara.

posted by MsMerlina
Barbara Stanwyck was born on July 16th. She lives the phim chiếu rạp and in our hearts. I'm happy to see her những người hâm mộ are growing in numbers on this website!

Barbara had an amazing imagination...she was able to visualize goals, scenes in life and place herself in those life scenes. Of course she was beautiful as well...and good to people. There are many other awesome qualities she had...and all these attributes came together in one person to create a legend.

Barbara, Ruby ( her được trao name) continues to inspire me and I am learning thêm & thêm how to use my imagination to create a fulfilling reality. TCM celebrates July 16th...Happy Birthday, Barbara!
posted by MsMerlina
How do I tình yêu thee, Barbara? Let me count the ways.

Barbara Stanwyck is a legend. thêm than that she personifies what is womanly, mysterious, glorious, imaginative, beautiful, strong, enduring, endearing, powerful, magical, fun, optimistic in life and in theatre. Not one to display theatrics hoặc uncontrolled emotions when accepting awards on stage in front of an audience, Barbara Stanwyck is a fine inspiration and role model for women.

I think women accepting Academy Awards, Golden Globes, hoặc other 'gongs' today should look at a video of Barbara before they go to any award ceremony. These women...
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