Atticus Mitchell Atticus

loveatticus1 posted on Jul 27, 2011 at 05:55PM
I have a big crush on atticus. he is hot. i love him i live n pa so will never meet him. but all i can do is dream big and if you want 2 be famouse someday hope and dream or if you love atticus like me do the same thing so dream and dream, hope and hope do all tou can
 I have a big crush on atticus. he is hot. i tình yêu him i live n pa so will never meet him. but all i ca

Atticus Mitchell 2 các câu trả lời

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hơn một năm qua atticusluver said…
srry u never will get 2 meet him i live in canada and he lives in toronto ontario canada the same place i do i and i have meet him bfore!!!
hơn một năm qua atticuslove123 said…
well that was rude. u dont no whats going to happen iin the future so stop acting like it! loveatticus1 im on ur side. one of these days a miracle will happen and youll meet him