Amuto vs. Tadamu Club
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Before bạn go flaming on me, I should remind bạn that this is my opinion and since this is the Amuto vs. Tadamu club I should say that this is the most appropriate place to write it down.

1) Ikuto is protective of Amu. Although Tadase is also, I would say that Ikuto is bởi far thêm protective of Amu than Tadase is (my opinion). Ikuto likes to flirt and tease Amu, much for us những người hâm mộ to describe him as "naughty". Amu becomes embarrassed and gets all defensive around Ikuto. But what she doesn't know is that Ikuto does this to cover his strong feelings for her and to protect her from being hurt/killed...
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posted by OneFoggyNight
First off,I'd like to thank bạn all for joining this spot! :D I'm glad that other people are as interested in the healthy thảo luận as I am. But to prevent things from getting out of hand- not saying they will, but they might- I have a few guidelines :D
1.) Please, don't bash too much. Just a little isn't too bad, but not too much. I'm all for expressing opinions (I'd be a total hypocrite if I didn't xD), but please at least try and be... classy if bạn can xD
2.) Post anything bạn want to :D I have a feeling that most of us here ship Amuto (Since half of the Shugo Chara những người hâm mộ do, including myself),...
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