Stefan & Elena Stelena ngày :)

vampireDella posted on Feb 01, 2011 at 09:08PM

This idea for a Stelena Day was thought up by the founder of and we at the Stefan and Elena Social Circle thougth it was a Brillant idea!

This information is from the Stelena Love Site
Link here: link

What is it? - It's a day to celebrate our favorite couple, Stefan and Elena!

When is it? - Friday, March 11th, 2011

What can I do? - Besides celebrating and showing your Stelena love that day, you can do any of the following:

- Are you a writer? Create a Stelena fanfic or picspam that you premiere on Stelena Day!

- Are you a vidder? Make a Stelena vid that you premiere on Stelena Day!

- Do you do art? Create any kind of Stelena art from icons, signatures, wallpapers or any kind of art and share it on Stelena Day!

- Twitter? Make sure to talk A LOT about Stelena on March 11th and use the hashtag #HappyStelenaDay plus anything to have to do with Stefan and Elena!

- Facebook? Spread the Stelena love with your friends and family. It's a great way to introduce new people to Stefan and Elena!

- Forums? If you post on a forum, be sure to celebrate Stelena Day with your forum friends. If you've never posted on a forum, maybe this is the time to start. Make sure your voice is heard and have fun meeting new people who love Stelena too!

- Friends? Get together with friends and do a TVD marathon, make some Stelena cookies and celebrate your favorite couple together!

Get icons & art here: link

Feel free to Come and join in, in the Stelena Love

last edited on Feb 01, 2011 at 09:10PM

Stefan & Elena 1 reply

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hơn một năm qua thegleediaries said…
Cool :)