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posted by lovingflame
(This story is perhaps not your every ngày average ngôi sao wars fiction.If you've read any of my other story you'll get what I mean.)


The last of the Family,and the priesthood of the Order of the Holy Cross. Sat tiredly upon his thrown.The five other throwns that had held the blessed imprinted chosen of the Pathbourne. Now sat deathly empty. After thousand's of years of peace, evil had finally devoured the Family. The war had been a massacre. Not even the em bé in their cribs had been spared. Leo the Lion wept openly and uncontrolably. Falling from his thrown onto his knees. Why had God forsaken them? Why had He allowed them to be seduced bởi evil? Where was the promise of the Pathbourne?The only who could have saved them from this fate.
The chamber shook and the floor rumbled as the niêm phong, con dấu over the Life Shard opened. God had heard and answered.
She was coming.
Dressed in her naval best, morgan wept as she looked upon the devistation.The tyrant in D.C.(Dictator Central) as it had been re-named over the last 1000 years. Had finally used his arsenal of nuclear and bio-weapons to eliminate the patriots. Not only at his door step but nation wide.
Free states as well as Loyalist now burned together, finally united once thêm in death. morgan wiped at her tears. Her own death would be soon at hand, as she eased down the dying sub. Her faithful crew sent off bởi escape pods to the only an toàn, két an toàn haven left. The Alaskan Peninsula. morgan electing to go down with her ship, had caused quite a stir amongst her crew. Yet had decreed if she had to go, it being the most honourable way. One that her own parents had followed. Thus she could do no less.
Leo felt the path open. Tears of greatfulness slipped from his eyes. God had not forsaken them. The monk offered up all his powers to ensure the Pathbourne's an toàn, két an toàn arrival. As his energies flowed out, it burst his heart. The last of the Family fell dead on his face. A warm wind carrying out the golden sand remains of monk's body, to tham gia the endless sands of Tatooine.
Vizan smiled at his twin brother, who took his protection far too seriously. For the man never broke into an emotion. Not without some serious prodding. Of course being trained bởi the Watch would do that. Jorg had been only one of a handful that had ever survived the 10 years of training."Jorg. Brother." Vizan tried to draw his attention. Putting on his authoritative tone, tried once again."I command bạn to pay attention to me." Jorg rolled his eyes, allowing that much emotion to creep out. As he was in the lead and there was no one in the hallway.
"My Prince, bạn have my full attention. We need to make your rooms before the others arrive." Vizan shook his head."This is a trade meeting. Not a war meeting. Ease up and relax my brother." Jorg tensed. He hated to be told to 'ease up and relax.' Those two things added up to mistakes and mistakes meant certain death. Jorg had Mất tích too many companions
and Những người bạn over the years to afford to 'lighten up.' Like Vizan requested. He would not lose his brother, his only brother. As the prince gripped his body guard's shoulder a drip of salt water landed on his head. Jorg felt something oddly open above their heads.
Moving quickly he took his brother to the floor.Turning his head just in time to wittness the impossible. A flood of saltwater cascaded down from out of nowhere, but that was not what shocked him. It was the red haired naked woman that followed it. "Jorg, get off. bạn weight as much as a kriffing freighter." Jorg turned to look down at his brother. His face broken into total shock, which was damn near an impossibility all in itself. Sitting up the prince's rich brown eyes looked upon the scene. Standing beside his twin he stumbled over the ovious. "Its....its....a woman." The twins đã đưa ý kiến in unison.Taking his twin's long cape from Jorg's shoulders, Vizan covered the stranger. While Jorg checked the woman's pulse and started ressessitation.
morgan felt groggy and weak,but somehow very much alive. Hearing voices, she stilled. They were talking in a language she couldn't understand.
Leading her to the only conclusion she could think of .The enemy had finally succeeded in capturing her. Right up until like a stopper being pulled from its container.The words that had been gibberish now came in loud and clear. Surprised. morgan found herself hugging the wall, curled up into the fetal position.
Jorg put his hands on his hips, his lips curled in irritation."Its been two days Vizan. We can no longer keep the others waiting. hoặc we risk turning it into a war meeting." Vizan was only 1/2 listening, as his thoughts were occupied with the fantastic red who had occupied his bed. Not that he'd be so crass as to take advantage, hoặc had had the opportunity.
"She's still out cold and our medic droid is at a loss. As her skin seems impenatrable to its administering the feeding needles. I'd wager bạn couldn't break her skin with any of your weapons." Jorg unsheathed his long knife. Vizan grabbed his arm. Their eye's locking.
"I was only kidding. Not serious." Jorg without losing eye contact re-sheathed his knife.
"She could be an assassin, sent bởi one of these so called honourable emmissaries?" Vizan rolled his eyes at his brother.
"Oh,yes that makes perfect sense. A naked drowned woman drops from out of nowhere. How was she to have assassinated me?
bởi falling.That would have been a new one and if she was.Then bạn must be in league with who ever hired her. As it was bạn who brought her back from the brink of death." Jorg's sensitive senses picked up movement, mere moments before the girl curled up into a ball against the headboard. He felt himself respond, he'd never seen a thêm beautiful creature in all his life. He blilnked. Returning to enforce his control over his mind and body. Yet he couldn't help but remember the taste of her on his lips. His obvious relief. When she'd started to gurgle up the expance of salt water from her lungs, to breath on her own. Nor the smuggness as he ensured that it was him. Not his brother who would carry her to the rooms. bởi simply being cautious. As she was a stranger, who knew what contagions she carried. He'd recieved a queer look from his twin, but with his emotions well in hand there was no fighting Jorg. The stranger's body had weighted less then it should have for her height. Yet it was so well muscled she could have been trained bởi the Watch. Perhaps she had been.Vizan rushed to the stranger's side.
morgan tightened around herself. Gently,Vizan laid a hand on her arm. Using the voice he used on his little 1/2 sisters, when they'd scrapped hoặc bruised themselves.
"Please we mean bạn no harm. Do bạn understand us?"
morgan opened up one eye to them. Jorg turned away. " Leave her be your Majesty. She is now awake. We can delay no longer." Vizan sighed, rolled his eyes and removed his hand.
Straightening his clothes he approached his brother. "Must bạn be so harsh." Jorg prepared himself. Locking up his emotions even thêm tightly then before. "If I am not.Then my reputation would suffer, your Highness." He bowed and with that the two Mandalorian's exited the room. As they left, morgan observed the bodyguard press the door opening button. Waiting for five breaths morgan unfurled. Where in the hell had she landed? How had she been able to go from not understanding then to complete comprehension? Was it all a some new enemy trick? She paled. Remembering the broadcasted boggus public trials, then the horrendous tortures that had only ended when the loyalist networks began to lose viewers. Not because of the blood shed, but because it became too boring. morgan jumped into action ransacking the room for something to wear as hers had been taken. Probably to preserve in their victory museum. As the last of Walk's Rebellion was put down. Hell they'd probably even mummify her, she shook herself. Oh hell no.She wasn't going down that way.
"Your sure we should have left her alone? She seemed quite scared and confused." Jorg snorted."Don't worry. She can't get out, I locked it from the outside." As his thoughts unbiddenly turned to her. That one very deep, impossibly deep green jade eye, peering out from underneath her arm. While her long, bouncing blood red waves did a modest job of covering her nakedness. Jorg's lips turned up in a smile for a mere moment at that thought. Then went back to the flat emotionless state. No, no involvement, no attachment. Things were bad enough as it was. He added a hint of impending death to his defenses as the crier announced their arrival.
"Presenting His Royal Highness the Crown Prince of Mandalore. Prince Vizan. " The crowd of emmissaries stood up and bowed deeply. Many came phía trước, chuyển tiếp to politely inquire about his majesties health. As the offical story had been.
That the prince had come down with travel fatigue after his arrival. As Courasaunt was far from a short journey from their kingdom. Nothing. Not a stitch of woman's clothing anywhere. She was left eyeing up the smallest and most plain of the outfits the king had had. When she heard the maid call from the body- guard's room. Zori called out as she opened the door."Hello house keeping." As she rolled the xe đẩy, giỏ hàng to the side of the door she took in the unpleasant scene. She thought men of such re-known would be less of the normal standard run of the mill pigs. Actually she'd been hoping it would only take an giờ at tops to clean the two rooms. As the hotel was packed to capacity, with the trade council meeting. morgan picked up the bàn lamp, but found it welded to the table. Only making the girl turn around, giving morgan only one option. She popped the girl across the jaw, knocking her out cold. "Damn it. Didn't want to do that." She shook out her hand. Heaving the girl's body over her shoulders, morgan deposited her onto the giường she herself had occupied. Touching the girl's neck to ensure the girl lived morgan experienced a static zap, one three times stronger. Falling flat across the giường K.O.'ed just like the girl. Jorg had just taken his place behind his brother's chair. When the rush of energy hit him, almost cracking his outer defenses. His brown eyes angerily cruising not only the other guards, but the emmissaries. Nothing except for a jedi master of kalamari descent who was eyeing him. Master Kala had been taken off guard.First bởi the young mandalorian bodyguard whose force abilities flashed like a neon sign. The 2nd being that he was unmistakenly the Crown Prince's twin brother. But this last, had nearly made him cry out in pain. As energies poured through him like lightning. When he had opened his eyes he'd looked straight at the mandolarian. Finding the emotionless face searching the crowd. Vizan may not of felt the charge, but knew enough to be concerned when Jorg gripped his chairs back rest. Keeping his eyes and assumed attention on the meeting. He wrote, 'Are bạn alright?' in their twinspeak. Jorg relaxed his grip and slightly nodded. morgan woke up with the kind of headache that made bạn want to hug your submersible's toilet. She swallowed uncomfortably. No time for that now. Had to get out. Taking a shallow breath, morgan calmed her quaking stomach. Stripping
the girl, she covered her up with the heavy quilt. "I'll make it up to bạn someday, I swear."
Never noticing the new tatoo the girl sported on the back of her neck. Bundling her hair up underneath the uniform's cap. morgan hit the open button and wheeled the xe đẩy, giỏ hàng out into the hall."My rooms are in need of a dire cleaning. If it doesn't suit me I shall have your pretty little head to grace my hall." morgan kept her eyes down and jumped as her ears once again popped in understanding.The man seemed pleased that he had supposedly instilled fear, in the maid and promptly walked off. morgan looked behind to see what the bastard looked like, should she run into him ever again. She paled. The man was green and instead of hair he had something like tentacles. No,not possible. Just not, not, not possible. The man turned, and there was no mistaking it. The ancient classic and its following stories had not only been read, seen but preached like sunday mass, impossible to forget. For as the war had brought victories and defeats.
ngôi sao Wars had come to symbolize their struggle. morgan pinched herself hard. No she wasn't dreaming. Where were the numerous clones? Clones. That's why his highness and his brother looked so familiar, except that made no sense. The clones didn't have a king.
Another maid passed her looking at her strangely. morgan decided to leave her xe đẩy, giỏ hàng in the room she'd been directed to, before someone did notice her. Opening the door, she heard a scuffling and a sufficated sniffle.
"Are bạn alright?" morgan hoped whatever language she was now speaking was understood. A chain rattled in the corner. The girl near naked cringed at Morgan's approach. Her back raked til streaks of blood ran freely down. "You're leaving with me." Taking up the girl's chains in her hands, they melted dripping into a hot pool on the floor. "Get dressed and step on it. hoặc you'll be apart of the mess." Fie backed away, taking off the neck and ankle breckets. She wasn't about to look a gift horse in the mouth. No matter what the price.
Jorg felt a burning attach itself to his hands. He let go of Vizan's seat, afraid it might catch. Except that there was no fire. Looking at his cursed counter part, (for that was how mandolarian's viewed force users) he could see that the Kalamarian was having a harder time. Jorg actually felt pity. Again his brother asked, but this time added. 'The stranger?' Jorg felt a nervious itch on his chest. No. How could it be her? Yet what other explaination could there be. Recovering from the near fainting pain Master Kala suggested.
"Let us adjourn and stretch our legs. Give us time to digest what has passed in this meeting." Jorg narrowing his eyes knew what the master had planned. Lord's of the Sith, they'd be lucky not to have the temple up in arms over the girl's talents. morgan turned to the freed girl as they walked out the door.
"You can fly right?" The girl nodded.
"You aren't going to hurt me are you?" morgan paled."Me hurt you? No. Now your asshole pimp. He'd be lucky to end up as a pool after I got through with him." Fie smiled, believing every word. At the hanger the guard halted them."State your business." Fie pipped up."My master refuses to have his rooms cleaned with such inferior products. He has directed me to travel below to appropriate superior agents."
Grumbling the guard retrieved the fussy bastards speeder key. Once they were out of sight, morgan pulled the girl close. "Can bạn hot wire?" Fie shook. It had been that very offence that had landed her on the slave block. She nodded anyway."Good. Find us a jedi speederf. We can take sanctuary in the temple. They'd be the last ones to press charges." Fie shook her head."Depends on which jedi." morgan saw the sense of it, giving the girl a danh sách of names that she remembered. That Fie had never heard of. "Which do these belong to?" morgan jingled the key. Fie looked at the stranger and smiled, pointing to the sleek, black and low speeder. Fie heard the roaring rumble at the same time she started Master Kala's. Pulling up just in time, for the stranger to jump clear into the back seat. Taking off swiftly as her abusive owner's speeder crashed into its share of glittering beauties. morgan breathed a sigh of relief and sat up just as the black speeder slipped down towards the city streets.
Landing at the temple. morgan could hardly wait to see the master's she'd thought were only fiction. As she and the slave approached the guard, a pain laced into her body."We require sanctuary." The guard snorted.
"Sanctuary for what?" The pain only increased as she Mất tích her patience. Grabbing the fool she narrowed her eyes. "Either let us in hoặc get me a damn master." Then it became unbearable, and she dropped him. Master Stafan coughed. morgan breathed and choked as the stench of evil rot drowned her."You wish to request sanctuary at our temple?" Clenching her stomach morgan rose with the help of the girl.
"Not from you. Your no jedi." Fie backed up as the woman started to change. Master Stafan narrowed his eyes and laid a hand on the young woman's shoulder. No one knew he'd become a willing agent of the Sith. How did this girl know? His hand Mất tích his grip as in a blink of an eye. The girl had been replaced bởi a leathery winged abomination. Its maw dripping saliva onto his hands. Master Stafan screamed as the acid ate not only through his flesh but far into the indestructable stone beneath. morgan thêm confused then ever, wondered. Where the hell was Master Yoda, Windu even Anakin at this point would have been better then what she'd just encountered. Turning, morgan captured the frantic girl in her webbed taloned hands. Hoping she wouldn't pass out, she lifted and soared away.
------------------------------------------------------------Jorg and Vizan made fast tracks back to their rooms, once he'd được trao his twin the look. Finding that both rooms had been torn apart and a very woozy, naked and sword tatooed cleaning girl where they'd left the red head. Who swore she'd had no idea that there was anyone even in the room. While down the hall one of the guests were screaming in outrage. Either someone had melted his slave hoặc set her free, either way he wanted compensation. Vizan laught. Jorg frowned at him."And here I was worried that I'd be bored. Well except for the actual meetings, it been anything but." Jorg rolled his eyes, folding his arms, before clutching suddenly at the door jamb. As a massive force wave nearly made him lose his stomach. Easing up, he found he faced Master Kala. "What did bạn bring on board?" Straightening up,Jorg refused to respond. Vizan replied instead."We brought nothing, but ourselves and luggage. She. Fell out of the air, the ngày we arrived. With only a load of saltwater in her lungs. She's been in acoma, til today." At that moment the hanger guard reported to the master that his speeder had been stolen bởi the slave and cleaning girl. Jorg smirked eyeing the master's uncomfortable situation. Kala was indeed trapped. "All is well. Their need was greater then mine." Vizan smiled broadly. Then frowned, still hearing the scum screaming, he took the only thing that the beauty should have taken. Credits.
Walking down to the unpleasant creature, he jingled the purse."Sir would bạn take this and give me the girl's papers. There should be enough there for a decent vehicle, as well." The man quickly disappeared into his room, bearing the papers. Snorting like the uppity pig that he was he said."She was beginning to become a bore anyways." Jorg felt the ugliness the man gladly carried and carried out. Making him ach to throw the bastard off the kriffing ship, so badly he could taste it. Master Kala was in full agreement. "How can bạn allow such an ugly practice to still exist?" Vizan inquired of the jedi as he passed back into the room.
"We do what we can. We're not dictators nor kings to rule over a people." Vizan felt the customary insult, but let it pass."Perhaps if bạn did decide to rule, things would not be as bad as they are now." Vizan đã đưa ý kiến calmly. As he went around the room gathering up packs for the search. Master Kala blocked the Crown Princes way."Remove yourself hoặc my brother will." The Kalamari jedi narrowed its eyes at Vizan."You can't mean to go after her. There's no telling what she will do to you. If bạn are killed, we will be blamed." Vizan sniffed.
"Then that will be your problem not mine. Though I do believe she may need some assistance.Since the jedi have clearly either refused hoặc upset her, it will be up to the little people like me to offer the helping hand." With that he brushed passed the master and made for the hanger.
Turning to the prince's brother. "Be aware bạn will not be the only ones in your seach." Jorg snorted."Then it is you. Not us who will need to be cautious.Good hunting to bạn master."
He then hurried along to catch up with his brother. Kala kicked the door jamb. The boy was right on all accounts. The jedi went over the day's cascade of troubles from the girl's obvious talents. Confusion, anger, disbelief, distrust, fear, hate and a milling of a thêm then 1,000 souls all jocking for position. Soul's old and powerful, all under the same roof per-say. It was a wonder the girl was even alive. If he had felt it, then surely his fellow jedi had. Then how had it gone so wrong.
Vizan looked around at the bashed up piles of speeder wreakage."Good thing bạn opted for a higher level. Otherwise we'd be trying to patch up the ole girl." Jorg hit the down button for the elevator. Without turning to reply he said.
"Don't even think about offering to pay for the damages." Vizan chuckled. "Never crossed my mind.That's why the hotel has ample insurance,
just for this kind of thing." He laught as the doors closed to take them up to their speeder. Jorg rolled his eyes as he shouldered his pack.
"Well at least she won't be too hard to find. They already put out a p.b." He showed the picture of the winged beast flying off towards the edge of the city."Heard the jedi who touched her, is in surgery. Her drool ate not only threw his hands but down into the stone."
Vizan shook his head."Might as well, just cut them off." He chuckled, then laught. Jorg surprised them both bởi joining in. They both smiled as they climbed into the older speeder.
morgan felt the girl pass out as they flew away. What in heaven's mery had happened to Courasaunt? Where were the clones and the jedi? Why had she been met bởi a Sith and regular guards? It didn't make sense, morgan began to chew on her lower scaled lip. She needed somewhere to settle and think. Somewhere that would be easily defended from all intruders. Somewhere she could find a bite to eat without chewing on the locals hoặc their livestock. Narrowing her eye's in the opposite direction, she saw a mountain range. She might have to take the long way around, but it would meet her needs.
Master Stafan had been được trao large doses of tranquilizers, as the medic's worked to cut, clean and stitch what was left of the master's hands. Kala shook his head, all the reports and interviews he'd read and được trao đã đưa ý kiến the same. That the girl had been quite forceful about obtaining sanctuary. Up until Master Stafan had approached. Then she had not only refused, but practicly accused the jedi master of being a sith. Kala took a deeper look at his councilman's aura, and cursed. Damned if she wasn't right. The Kalamarian paled as he sniffed. How had the reek been missed? Turning to the pair of guards he informed them.
"Arrest the master when what can be done for his hands is done. In fact give him a dose of tranquilizer and accompany him to the jedi prison. We have been infultrated bởi the sith."
Kala found himself calling off the hunt and calling in those members of the council not already present. Whatever this girl was, they needed to handle her with great care.
"Well brains where the kriffing hell is she? I thought bạn said, she'd be easy to find." Vizan grumbled. They'd filled up twice, used Jorg's self-taught mind tricks to try to wiggle out any extra information to be had. Nothing, but a big fat Zero. Not even a whiff. "I'm open for suggestions." Jorg flatly replied. Vizan turned his gaze down below. Why had he made that bình luận about Jorg losing face. He sighed.
It had made his beloved twin revert back into that hard headed asshole, that he was before her arrival. Vizan thought back to her. How her odd ruby red hair had fanned out and curled. How the quilt could not hide the gracious proportions of her trim body. He smiled and with her obvious talents who would dare disagree. Jorg drove trying to ignore the constant persistant itching on his chest. While trying to avoid his own thoughts. Jorg had not been as truthful as Vizan thought. Not bởi a long shot. The beast had been seen reversing her direction towards the Dri Mountains. That lay hours in the opposite direction from where they were now. Why?
That was the uncomfortable câu hỏi he wished to avoid answering. For even though he loved and was the only one out side the Watch that he trusted completely. Vizan was still the Crown Prince of Mandalore. Where Jorg had been taught to live bởi strenght of arm and mind. Vizan had been taught to become as ruthless as their father. A man who'd come near close to murdering his wife for providing him with a force user son. Jorg growled at the very thought of his father. As the man refused to lay any of the blame on his own seed. The only thing that had saved their mother was the fact, that she was the daughter of his largest supporter. So instead had imprisioned her in her gardens. Where she came to treasure not only her children, but those of the husband's mistress. Jorg thought about those gardens.
How it was that it was the only place he could truthfully relax and escape the memories and nightmares of those Mất tích childhood years. The thought brought him back to the stranger. How strange it was that though she had been basicly drowned in saltwater. Jorg had smelled and tasted a garden of blossoms. The red hair and green eyes, so strange and foreign. Breaking threw his hard won control, his protective barriers, cutting to the very tim, trái tim of him. Jorg shook his head.
"I need to sleep.Traveling in the dark will get us no where. If she likes to hunt at night. I don't relish becoming bữa tối, bữa ăn tối hoặc a late night snack. So pick a place."
Seeing a mound of rock not to far from a stream hoặc a small forest. Laying the still knocked out girl to the side, morgan dug out a comfortable alcove. Laying the girl down inside it, she walked a few dragon steps away. Taking a deep breath she tried to breath fire, but only succeeded in a high pitched whistle. She then tried to spit fire, but only had it eat a deep hole into the rock and so on. None of it procured a fire. morgan growled in irritation and worry. They both needed to eat, and it was unlikely that the girl could eat the kill still wearing its lông, lông thú and very raw. Her stomach thundered, maybe if she ate first. The answer would come. Lifting her snout up into the air, she detected a small village in one direction. Livestock in another. Trying the forest she found it very sparse, but a chịu, gấu and a small herd of deer were at the stream. In one crunch most of the herd disappeared down her throat. While the chịu, gấu took two. Fully sated morgan relaxed and sighed. A burst of flame cooked the corpse of one of the deer. Quickly morgan flew back to the alcove the deer safely tucked inside her massive paw. Sniffing cautiously as she approached found nothing had been disturbed. Not even the girl had stirred form her slumber. Blowing a considerable fire, morgan pulled off one of her loose scales and began to cut the deer up into tinnie-tinny strips.
Fie felt the heat and smelled the cooked meat with anticipation, but rolled cautiously onto her growling stomach. Fearful of the beast. Opening her eyes she saw the using a shield sized scale as a platter, đĩa, plate for the cuts of deer meat. A scuffling drew her to see the creature's nose twitch, Fie without a thought chim bồ câu, bồ câu for the furthest corner of the alcove. morgan swiped at her nose. Then dropped the deer and nerviously observed her paws. Then rolled her eyes and sighed a flame. The acid could not eat threw her scales hoặc the soft pads of her paws.
Dunking the carcuss in the stream. morgan quickly carved the rest. Fie wanted to dive in, but was afraid that the beast would need its own share. On its return it pushed the completed platter, đĩa, plate to the half starved waif.
"Thank-you. Have bạn eaten?" Fie asked even though she doubted it could even understand her much less hear her from such a space.
Yet it nodded and put up all 10 webbed claws, then pushed the platter, đĩa, plate even closer. Fie chim bồ câu, bồ câu into it without another thought. morgan rolled onto her back digging her tail's boney spikes and her paw's claws into the very rock.
While her wing's outspread creating a curtain over the alcove's opening. Fie ate her fill and edged out between the rock and right wing. Her hand brushing it in passing, found it an odd marvel. The soft membrane was like a fuzzy blanket. Not the leathery material, they had looked in the ngày light. One huge eye looked at her, it was so large a person could have walked threw it. morgan offered her the soft pad of her paw. The girl touched it cautiously before jumping on.Then had done the same stepping down onto her warm soft belly. Fie found her new friend's warmth and form well fitted to Courasaunt's wilderness.
She need not fear the cold hoặc the wild creatures that roamed with her around. Fie smiled and patted the beast's lovely soft hide. morgan sighed deeply. Sending down a flock of well cooked birds for morning's breakfast.
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project vader
darth vader
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The critically acclaimed ngôi sao Wars Jedi: Fallen Order is getting a sequel dubbed ngôi sao Wars Jedi: Survivor. But that game only tells bạn part of the story. The saga of Cal Kestis is also expanding into the ngôi sao Wars novel line...
ngôi sao wars jedi: battle scars
exclusive audiobook excerpt
@Ms. Bumble Prime
bad boy
the bad batch
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@Captain Jiffy
burning bridges
Chiến tranh giữa các vì sao
the bad batch
The George Lucas 3 một giây Story Rule - Margaret Kerrison via
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nghề viết văn
phim chiếu rạp
george lucas