Scrubs Scrubs Pre-empted (29 April 2009)

DalekSec posted on Apr 29, 2009 at 08:36PM
Apparently Obama's speech tonight is pre-empting Scrubs and Better Off Ted.


Scrubs 5 các câu trả lời

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hơn một năm qua DalekSec said…
UPDATE, from Bill Lawrence's blog "Scrubs Ramblings":

"Hello again, hello (that's a Neil Diamond quote that means a lot to me). President Obama doesn't seem to realize how important the last two episodes of SCRUBS are to a small handful of important people. ABC is nicely putting our penultimate episode on Tuesday before the hour long finale Wednesday. I think fans will be really happy with the last episode - I'm really proud of it."

hơn một năm qua tushtush said…
I got so angry when i first heard about this. I mean, seriousy angry. Angrier than Gooch telling off Turk for lying... But Now I'm forcing myself to be civil. To be honest, the end is so close that I don't have to time to stay angry. :(
hơn một năm qua imyourbffjess said…
I'M ONLY TEN! WHAT DOES THIS MEAN? I love scrubs, but If it's going out of like business or something then I would be mad, but what does this mean?
hơn một năm qua DalekSec said…
tushtush - if ABC weren't making up for it by showing it on Tuesday, I would be reeeeeeeally mad. When I first found out about it, I stomped around cursing for like ten minutes. =P

imyourbffjess - Pre-empted means they are showing something else in its place, and they will show it again at a later time. In this case, President Obama was giving some press conference-y speech-y thing, so they showed it at the time when Scrubs would have aired... as a result, the episode that was pre-empted will be aired next Tuesday.
hơn một năm qua HouseJr said…
Oh okay I guess I should've looked on the forums before asking a question, thank you! :)