Biệt đội chim cánh cụt vùng Madagascar Club
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posted by Aquade
"It's that it?"

"No, there's still a few left, sir."

"Well? What are they? Give us a list. Rico and I will gather them as soon as he comes back from gathering the last danh sách bạn gave him."

"Sure! Just give me a few moments."

"This had better work, Private. I still say it's a waste of time."

"Don't worry! It will! I just hope that Kowalski is all right with it."

Kowalski paused on his way to the HQ's slightly covered entrance. Bits of conversation had seeped out, and they were not making any sense to the scientist. What were Private and Skipper talking about? That was not the thing what worried Kowalski, though. No, there was nothing weird hoặc out of the ordinary with a leader and his youngest soldier having a conversation. What was strange was that they seemed to be planning something for him.

He climbed down the ladder as casually as possible. "Skipper, nothing seems to be out of the ordinary in the zoo and the surrounding area," he reported.

With a muffled gasp, Private threw a cloth over an object on a table. The cloth revealed a square shaped item. Skipper smiled nervously at Kowalski. "That's, uh, good work, Kowalski."

The lieutenant raised a brow and indicated to the unknown piece behind his commander. "What's that?"

Private's eyes widened. "That's just, um, Rico's unfinished sculpture!" he uttered.

Skipper gave him an appraising look. "He doesn't want any dust to gather on it."

Kowalski nodded unbelievingly. "And where exactly is Rico?"

"Out," replied Private simply.

Kowalski narrowed his eyes at the unhelpful answer the youngster provided but did not push. "I'm off to Marlene's," he informed, hoping that the con rái cá, rái cá would have thêm knowledge on the strange behavior of his teammates.

Skipper showed his approval with a nod. "You go do that."

Kowalski walked over to the door leading to Marlene's habitat. After the numerous times she had entered their HQ, the penguins simply dug a tunnel leading from her house to theirs. It proved to be a useful decision repeatedly.

As soon as the door closed behind Kowalski, he pressed his ear on it. A loud slap soon followed.

"What was that for?" asked Private, rubbing his cheek.

"For almost giving us away!" exclaimed Skipper.

"Well, it's not like he's going to find out about the-"

Muffling could be heard as Skipper slapped a flipper over Private's beak, preventing him from finishing his sentence. "Shh," whispered Skipper. "Not here. For all we know, he could be listening behind the door."

Kowalski frowned and eased away from the cold surface. He was not shining any light on the mystery bởi continuing to eavesdrop on their conversation. Instead, he was even thêm confused! He waddled over to Marlene's habitat, deep in thought. What was going on?


Marlene had just dried off when Kowalski entered her cave. "Oh! Hi, Kowalski!" she greeted. "What's up?"

Kowalski sat on her giường and placed his head between his flippers. "Is there something going on that I don't know about?"

Marlene frowned slightly and turned to him with concern. "Not as far as I know. Why?"

The chim cánh cụt groaned and began pacing the room. "Have I done anything wrong?"

Marlene lifted a brow. "Wrong?"

"Something out of place."

"I don't think so. What's this all about?"

"What are they up to?" muttered Kowalski.

"They?" Marlene's brows furrowed together. "You mean the guys?" She turned thoughtful. "You know, now that I think of it: Where are they?"

Kowalski looked up. "That's the thing!" he complained. "They're diễn xuất suspicious, and I know that they're planning something. But what is it?"

Marlene finally cleared up some of the confusing words uttered from Kowalski. "Wait a minute-"

"I don't have a minute!"

Marlene gave him a pointed look. He smiled sheepishly. "Sorry, I've had a perplexing day. Please go on."

"As I was saying-" She paused a while to look meaningfully at Kowalski again. "They're planning something, and bạn don't know about it?"


"Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. How can bạn not know about it? I thought bạn guys were like four peas in a pod hoặc something."

He gave her a blank look. Marlene chuckled faintly. "Ignore that last bit."

"Um, okay." He seemed to be put off slightly before continuing. "But for the life of me, I can't seem to figure out what!"

Marlene adopted a thoughtful gaze on her features. "Maybe bạn should just let it run its course," she suggested. "If I know the guys, they'll never do anything to hurt you."

He stared at her. Marlene corrected herself. "Well, anything intentionally and irrational at least. They have good intentions, usually."

Quickly knowing that she would not sway from her opinion, Kowalski sighed and nodded to please the otter. "Yeah. Perhaps you're right, Marlene."

She brightened up and patted his shoulder awkwardly. "Glad to help."

The chim cánh cụt slid away from her habitat. I'm a scientist for goodness sakes! He thought. It's against my nature to just let it 'run its course'! Every fiber and DNA in my body is begging me to answer this problem, and I'm not going to rest until I find a solution!

With this newfound determination, Kowalski left the otter's habitat.


The thought had never crossed Skipper's mind. In fact, he didn't even want to do it! But then his youngest teammate had flashed those big blue eyes at him. How was he supposed to counter that? The chim cánh cụt leader wasn't sure what Mother Nature had done to put him in this position: Getting ingredients for Private like some delivery penguin. He was a leader for Pete's sake!

Perhaps this was the reason he didn't see Kowalski until it was too late. Of course, it was partly Rico's fault as well. The chim cánh cụt walking tiếp theo to him had been Daydreaming about explosions, fish, and snow cones that he nearly ran into Skipper when the commander had stopped.

"Skipper! Rico!" Kowalski was surprised. He hadn't expected to meet them here. Mentally, he slapped himself. How many times had Skipper lectured him to expect the unexpected? "What are bạn doing here?"

"Snack run," answered Rico, licking his beak in anticipation of the thực phẩm they were going to pick up.

"Oh! May I tag along?" asked Kowalski in hopes of uncovering thêm of the mystery.

"No." Rico shook his head. He had always been a direct penguin.

Kowalski frowned. "Why not?"

"Classified." With that, Rico slid away. Skipper hurried after him, thankful that the frankness of Rico's nature had shielded him from answering awkward questions. Times like these were when he uncovered another new appreciation of Rico's character.


"Howdy, neighbor!"

"Not now, Julien." The mysterious behavior of his teammates were affecting Kowalski's mood. "I'm in no mood for games. Don't bạn have anything better to do?"

Nevertheless, Julien continued walking alongside the penguin. "Nah, Maurice is preparing the royal pool, and Mort is nowhere to be seen after a kicked him off the royal jumpy thing."

Resisting the urge to growl at the lemur, Kowalski took a few deep breaths. "Julien, please leave me alone for a day."

"I see that bạn are troubled bởi the other fishy birds."

This paused Kowalski in his tracks. "You saw that?" he asked incredulously.

"The king sees all."

"Right." Kowalski rolled his eyes. "If bạn see everything, can bạn see into their minds and tell me what's going on?"

"You mean bạn don't see it?"

Kowalski threw up his flippers. "Why does it seem like the whole zoo –with the exception of Marlene –knows what is going on? Even you?"

"Pff, it's so obvious."

"What? What is it?" Kowalski looked like a child on giáng sinh Eve, begging to stay up and catch Santa.

"They are clearly replacing you!" Julien đã đưa ý kiến smugly.


The idea was so preposterous that Kowalski wanted to scoff. Yet, at the same time, his mind was busy connecting it with the gần đây events. The unknown object on the bàn must have been a communications device. The fact that no one wanted to tell Kowalski what was going on, and that they had clearly been avoiding him were because they were afraid to tell him.

But, he had known them for years now! They would never do such a thing, right? Even if they were going to replace him, they would tell him. Right? Doubts started to form. A small part of his mind urged him to take Marlene's Lời khuyên and let everything just work out naturally. That part was quickly extinguished bởi his growing distress though.

"Egad! They are replacing me!"

"Told you." Julien nodded once, seemingly satisfied that the scientist had believed him. The vong linh, vượn cáo vaulted over the wall, done with his role.

Kowalski paid no mind to him, instead quickly making his way back the habitat.


"Are bạn replacing me?" The words left Kowalski's beak before his feet even touched the ground.

"What in the name of mint kem are bạn talking about, Kowalski?" đã đưa ý kiến Skipper in bewilderment as he and the other penguins moved to block something out of Kowalski's view.

He scrambled over to them. "If bạn are replacing me," the scientist pleaded. "At least just say it to my face!"

"We're not replacing you, Kowalski!" reassured Private. "Don't worry!"

"Wait." Kowalski stopped. "If you're not replacing me, then why were bạn avoiding me?"

Private smiled sheepishly as he moved to allow Kowalski view of the hidden object. It was a plate of cải xanh, bông cải xanh and cheese. "You see, we were planning on surprising bạn with this to see if bạn liked it!" he explained. "After bạn đã đưa ý kiến that you've never tried it with cheese, I wanted to give bạn a try of it to see if bạn did."

Kowalski's mind pieced together everything as Private was explaining. Relief filled his body, and joy lit up his face. All that worrying was for nothing! Marlene had been right! Unable to help it, Kowalski began laughing to release the tension. Soon, he was on the ground, shaking.

Rico tilted his head and nudged the lieutenant with a foot. "'Waski?"

"If our cooking is so horrible, just say so!" đã đưa ý kiến Skipper, a smiled breaking across his features. "No need to tease."

"What's so funny?" asked Private.

Kowalski grinned. "It's a long story, Private. A long story."


How was that? Hoped bạn liked it!
posted by beastialmoon
Kam is working on the Fantasizer. It is a helmeted device, intended for living out the most vivid fantasies. Rico is a test subject. Rico put it over his head, letting it hang over his eyes. Kam hit the button on the side.

Kam watched, and took notes. Rico was smiling… very happy. Good. But then he started crying. Sad? This didn't make sense… now he was angry. Confused, angry, excited, bored, surprised… complete schizophrenia. Rico's emotions were running amok. Kam took off the Fantasizer before he got hurt.

"I'll have to make some adjustments, Rico." he said, putting his clipboard down....
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posted by TeamPeeta649
Tara waits in the cây in Marlene's habitat. She has been staying there ever since Skipper caught her and Kowalski together, it is for the best. It has been a week since then and after a few days Kowalski started coming to see her at night and a couple times in the mornings. Private has been helping us but we wouldn't risk asking Rico just yet. Finally he comes.

Tara:"There bạn are. I was starting to think bạn weren't coming."
Kowalski:"Sorry." hugs her. "I had a little trouble getting away from Skipper. But I would have let bạn known if I wasn't coming."

They Kiss in the moonlight.

Tara:"Are you...
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Here comes chap 2:)

CHAPTER TWO: chim cánh cụt Tea

Her face was covered with fog. Her green eyes anxious, teary, full of empathy and concern. She wore the same expression when leaning over him down the sewer, after she’d saved him from drowning.
He was too weak to move, but he felt his cheeks blushing from anger and embarrassment. He’d never thrown up in front of a girl before. He knew she caught the sight of him vomiting as he could hear her terrified voice.
“Guys, seems like he’s already woke up!” she informed the rest of the team, while dabbing Skipper’s forehead with a damp cloth. Skipper...
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posted by beastialmoon
Sorry it took so long to upload! I had MAJOR writers block on this one!

Elijah drifted on, unaware of his surroundings for days. The humans fed him on a regular basis, so he didn’t starve. But he didn’t know what he was doing. What did the humans want with him? He met another penguin. Two, actually. A male and a Female. They were both very friendly. The female seemed to get attached to him. The male had all these fanatical ideas about where they were going.

How could he know
This new dawn's light
Would change his life forever?

Set sail to sea
But pulled off course
By the light of golden treasure...
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posted by TeamPeeta649
Skipper glares at Tara, thinking she may be a spy of Dr. Blowhole's.

Tara:nods "ok. what do bạn want to try?"
Skipper:"We don't try, we succeed."

Skipper sets up the ninja bowling pins and turns to Tara.

Skipper:"You may want to watch first before bạn try anything. Boys! On my signal!"

They leap into postions and wait for a while.

Kowalski:"Um, Skipper..."

He stops when Skipper motions for him to be quiet. Kowalski and Private exchange a look.


They leap into action, kicking and punching and using the moves they had been practicing. Tara leans against the box and watches. They finally...
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The tiếp theo day, before Alice arrived with food, Skipper sneaked off to Marlene’s and gave her the necklace. She absolutely loved it, and set it on a small bàn so that aforementioned zookeeper wouldn’t see her wearing it.
During the day, when Skipper, Kowalski, Private, and Rico were out being adorable, Amy went to explore the surrounding sewers. Rodney was still pouting about Marlene’s rejection.
“I mean, come on!” he complained. “I’m a good-looking guy, right? Look at me!”
Ian did not pay attention. He was considering the circumstances and thinking though his new plan.
He knew...
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Note: Characters will translate as:
Skipper - Othello, the Moor of Venice
Marlene - Desdemona, Othello's wife (they'll just be dating)
Kowalski - Cassio, Othello's lieutenant
Ian (OC) - Iago, a very jealous and greedy man
Amelia (Amy/OC) - Iago/Ian's wife
Rodney - Roderigo, Iago's friend


“Ouch! Ian, that’s my foot!”
“My apologies, Rodney, but it really is quite dark in here.”
“We wouldn’t even be here is it weren’t for your stupid little trick!”
“Hush, Amelia!”
The first voice was a little squeaky, and it belonged to Rodney, an idiotic chim cánh cụt who seemed to rely on everyone except...
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'Dammit!!' yelled Kowalski, 'I-no, not the attendance, I think I just gotta shake it off.' He glanced again out the window and saw the gremlin start burning the engine. 'Marlene?' asked Kowalski. 'Ugh! What?!' groaned Marlene. Then Kowalski got upset. 'Look, I'm sorry, I'm just pissed that bạn woke me up 5 times today, what do bạn want?' asked Marlene thêm calmly. 'There's something on the wing, a gremlin I think,' đã đưa ý kiến Kowalski. Marlene went to the window to searchfor it. 'Don't look for it, it always dissapears when someone else looks for it,' đã đưa ý kiến Kowalski. 'I don't believe you, that's crazy,...
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posted by JediPenguin16
I heard this sopng and thought, "King Julien!"

I am da superstar with a bouncy house and a stolen zoo cart
I am da superstar and I don't care who bạn are.
I am da superstar with a bouncy house and astolen zoo xe đẩy, giỏ hàng car,
I am a superstar and not caring care who bạn are.
Got many trái xoài, xoài honey, I'm a superstar,
My life is funny honey, Have bạn seen my cart?
I know a lot of people, I'm a superstar,
Everybody knows me, Right from near.

I had a plane (I had a plane)
I tình yêu the fame (I tình yêu the fame)
You want my name (You know my name) And I just want bạn to be knowing

I am da superstar with a bouncy house and...
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Okay. Is there anything weird for there to be two penguins and a vong linh, vượn cáo on a train?

Well Yeah...

But whats weirder is seeing a tôm, tôm hùm on it too.
I did get hungry. Athena looked like she was about to puke because she is allergic.

"So where are we?" I asked and stared out a window.

"Let's say... depending on the cây types... We're in Virginia." Neko estimated.

"We've been on the go to long! I'm tired." Athena complained.

"The humans come in here to check to much. They'd see bạn if bạn rested!" Neko explained.

Athena rolled her eyes. "I'm good at hiding."

"No! I'm older then bạn Athena so I'm in charge!"...
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Seek and Destroy


Hans led the trio on the revenge. They had a base set up in Hoboken, the cesspool of New York. Blowhole was the evil scientist, formulating the plans. The Red con sóc, sóc set up contacts with other động vật bent on getting revenge on Skipper. And Hans made all the big decisions. Such as trusting the two of them to follow his main plan.

There's an evil feeling in our brains
But it's nothing new, bạn know it drives us insane

He knew of Skipper’s rational fear of churches. Once he got over it, he would go on a spree of goodwill, if his psychology was correct. Then they would strike....
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One day, In 1979, soon hoặc later, something happened. This is how I Mất tích my tail. I performed trick at Coney Island, New York. Way before Dr blowhole performed the Ring of Fire. I had to perform a highly dangerous trick. I had to jump through 3 hoops of fire, In a pool of sharks.
Trainer: Come on, bạn retarded dolphin.
Me: Yeah right.
Other trainer: This cá heo is only 10. He shouldnt be jumping through these hoops at this time, he's young.
Trainer: What do bạn know about dolphins?
Me: *What do YOU!?*
Other trainer: FINE. I was just thinking that Jack (Me) is too young to perform this dangerous...
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Kowlaski came running back to the HQ. His face was in total shock, his scarf was half off. and he still carried the note he had found in his tucked in his scarf.
"Skipper!" Kowalski cried "I Mất tích Private! In the city!" Kowalski fell down to where Skipper's webbed feet were.
Skipper ignoring the fact that Private was missing "Ok..But did bạn get the groceries? and ahah bạn found the note. I knew bạn would adjust your scarf whenever bạn saw a cute gal walking around the city block-"
Skipper slapped him....
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posted by Alice_Tritant
tham gia THIS!



















tham gia IT, please!

it's a người hâm mộ club
After captuer the flag marlene got kidnapped bởi Dr.Blowehole but nobody notice when they go to their habitat to go to sleep but war chim cánh cụt and fun123fun stay up to plan to rescue all the of the động vật that got kidnapped."What are going to do to free them?"fun123fun asked.War chim cánh cụt replyed."I don't know fun123fun."The alarm came off and all of the penguins woke up and form into battle positon."Who are you?"skipper asking for ansers."I'm jedi penguin."she anserd."Why are bạn her?"private asked ."I'm here to help bạn to plan to rescue all of the captuer animals."Jedi chim cánh cụt replyed."Do you...
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Skipper's turn to tell about his childhood. "Well, I was born somewhere, out the zoo, life wasn't easy. My family lived on a stormy cliff. One day, I fell into the water. A lông, lông thú niêm phong, con dấu went after me, I escaped bởi boarding a Navy ship. The humans on the ship used me as a spy, to spy against enemies. But a zoo took me away and, here I am,"

Pluma squinted at Skipper. "That can't be your whole story!" Skipper looked uncomfortable. "It's......... classified," He murmured. Pluma understood. "Okay, I'm fine with that, just as long I'm with's okay," She reassured him, seeing his guilty face. Skipper...
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posted by ggreen7295
Well sorry I'm late I completely forgot. But anyway here I announce the winners of the Caption contest. Here are the prizes:

First place get three các điểm thưởng for their winning caption.

The runner up get a single điểm thưởng for their caption.

All honorable mentions get's uh... Hold on... *looks around house of stuff* Oh here we go! Free internet cookies! ...

Any way here are the winners!

The runner up is SJF_Penguin for his caption:

As the group watched Julien's old trang chủ movies, they soon realized that Julien was the most sane member of his royal family and why he never talked...
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The tiếp theo ngày all of the chim cánh cụt is awake inside the zoo hostpitle without the other chim cánh cụt and private."Private whare are we?"asked skipper.Koalski replyed " We are at the zoo hospitle."Then skipper freak out and start to look for Rico for some tools to breake the locked window.Back at the flamingos habitat private and the other chim cánh cụt woke up and started to leve whent to the penguins HQ.While they are geting to their HQ they get to know each other."I'm Private and my faverate kẹo is butterscott winkys." "I'm fun123fun and I have a bow and Mũi tên xanh for a wepon."When they reach the penguins...
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it was a normal ngày in Antartica
marry was the wife of the leder of the artic army Germamy Scar. a baby was born named polly. but those were bad times. penguins from denmark were comeing in ships,hans as there leader. marry was Mất tích and found the denmark hideout. they wanted antartica for themselfs so they knew they had to take out the leader of the army for the artic.marry heard everyword. "we will kidnap the leader's doughter so he will have to give up!" đã đưa ý kiến hans. marry ran to her igloo and got her dougter.she put he in a wooden thùng with a locket around her neack.It was the only way to...
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posted by Metallica1147
Chapter 3: Meet the Penguins

    The penguins are inside their h.q. taking a break after a long ngày of training. Then a little later Brandon and Marlene arrived at the penguin’s habitat.

Knock, knock. Then the door open.

“Hey guys” as she always say.

As the penguins turned around they noticed Marlene was here, and waved to her, but then Private noticed a tall con rái cá, rái cá behind her.

“Marlene who is that behind you,” asked private.

“Oh this is my new roommate Brandon, Brandon this is Skipper Private Kowalski and Rico.”

“Hello,” as Brandon introduce himself.

Then the...
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