One Direction Club
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It was now the ngày of the boys’ departure, and the excitement around the house was overwhelming. Each of the boys were in their separate rooms, packing their clothes. Carter was helping Liam finish packing and he was currently going over everything she had to do while he was gone.

“Make sure bạn don’t skip school! I know Harry has a reputation of doing it and I don’t want him to persuade bạn to do it either!”

“Yes Liam.”

“And don’t be having Jake over all of the time. Harry’s still getting over Lucy and I don’t want bạn being all lovey-dovey with Jake in front of him.”

“Yes Liam.”

“And please, just listen to what Harry says, yeah?”

“I promise.”

The doorbell rang so Carter dashed down the stairs to fetch the door. She gasped when she saw Harry stood in the doorway. “Good morning slut.” He murmured, shouldering past her and into the sitting room. She grunted before rejoining Liam in his room.

“It was just Harry.” She told him. “Oh I need to tell him something.” Liam said. “Could bạn pack the rest of my t-shirts please?” “Of course.” Carter smiled. Liam jogged down the stairs and paced into the sitting room where Harry was.

“Hey Haz.” Liam dragged his feet along the floor and leaned against the wall. “Hi LiLi! bạn excited about going to Ibiza mate?” Harry nudged his mate in the stomach. “Yeah! Thanks again for doing this man.” Liam beamed. “No problem dude! I’m thêm than happy to! Is there anything I need to know? Has Carter got any allergies?” Harry inquired. “Erm…… CARTER! DO bạn HAVE ANY ALLERGIES?!” Liam shouted. Harry chuckled as Carter pounded down the stairs.

“Really Liam? Really?” Carter questioned, narrowing her eyes at her brother. “You have allergies?!” Liam exclaimed. “YES! Nuts, dust, smoke, dairy, fur, glucose, gluten, feathers and unnatural scents!” Carter told him, rolling her eyes. Harry’s eyes widened. How can one girl have so many fucking allergies?!

“You’re not allergic to any of those things bạn twat!” Liam chuckled.

“Yeah, I know. I just wanted to see your reaction!” Carter shrugged, once again dashing up the stairs. “There bạn have it, she’s got no allergies!” Liam laughed. “That’s a relief! So, she doesn’t take any medication hoặc anything, does she?” Harry asked, looking up at Liam. “I give her a tablet everyday to keep her hyper-activity levels down.” Liam retorted. “Carter needs tablets to calm her down?! But she’s so quiet!” Harry remarked. “The tablets must be working then, eh?” Liam chimed.

“WE’RE GOING TO IBIZA LADS! WOO!” Niall shrieked through the hallway.

“Maybe bạn should think about giving Niall those tablets too….” Harry mused. “We do! They don’t affect him in any way whatsoever…” Liam replied, earning a howl of laughter off Harry.

“That’s about all bạn need to know I think. Just call me if bạn think of something else when we’re gone.” Liam said. “Cool.” Harry put his hands behind his head and sat back. “Right, I’m going to finish packing.” Liam announced, patting Harry on the back and leaving the room.

* * * * *

“That’s the last bag boys.” Louis exhaled. Liam and the boys had just finished putting all of their bags in the car.

Louis turned to Carter and pulled her in for a massive hug, squeezing her tightly. “You know Lou; I’m going to really miss bạn squeezing my eternal organs.” Carter mumbled into his shirt. Louis chuckled and kissed her cheek. BYE CARTER!” he roared as he ran into the car.

Niall ran out of the house and picked Carter up. “WE FOUND CARTER IN A HOMELESS PLACE!” he yelled as he held her up in the air. “Shh Niall!” Carter giggled. He hugged her tightly and kissed her forehead. “See bạn in three weeks Carter! I tình yêu you!” he grinned. “I tình yêu bạn too Niallers!” Carter smiled.

She strolled up to Zayn, and was unable to keep her tears in any longer. “Carter! Don’t cry babe!” Zayn hushed, pulling Carter into his embrace and wiping her tears away with his sleeve. “I’m sorry. I’m just going to miss bạn guys so much.” She sniffed. She knew that the boys were only going away for 3 weeks, but she had never been without them for thêm than a day. It was going to feel like a lifetime.

“Don’t worry babe, we’ll be back before bạn know it! And I’ll bring bạn back something nice.” He told her. “No, I don’t want anything. bạn boys coming trang chủ safely will be my present.” She whispered, cuddling into Zayn’s arms. It was an toàn, két an toàn to say that she was closest to Zayn out of all of the boys.

“I tình yêu bạn Carter. Make sure you’re waiting at the airport for us!” Zayn laughed. “I tình yêu bạn more! And I wouldn’t miss it for the world.” She smiled. Zayn kissed her once thêm before entering the car.

She turned to face Liam and he winked at her, grinning widely. She couldn’t help but let another tear fall from her eye. “Oi! I thought bạn stopped crying a couple of phút ago!” Liam laughed, pulling Carter into him, the scent of his aftershave lingering in the air.

“I’m going to miss bạn Li Li.” Carter mumbled as Liam held her close to his chest. “I suppose I’ll miss bạn too…” Liam chuckled. “Behave yourself and don’t get into trouble!” he spoke sternly. “Same goes to bạn Liam.” Carter narrowed her eyes at him. “Bye babe. I’ll see bạn soon.” He whispered as he got into the car and Louis revved up the engine.

Harry put his arm around Carter’s shoulder and she instantly tensed up. She waved goodbye to the boys until they were out of sight. She then wriggled out of Harry’s grasp and sprinted into the house. Harry was hot on her heals but she somehow managed to out-run him and dash into her bedroom, locking the door.

Harry came to her bedroom to her bedroom door and turned the handle, only to find out it was locked.

“Carter, open the fucking door.” He cursed at her. “No!” Carter replied harshly. Harry banged his fists against the door. “You can’t stay in your room forever Carter! You’ll starve to death without food!” Harry pointed out, knowing he had Carter beat. “Wrong Harry. Before bạn came, I brought up enough thực phẩm and drink to last me for a month. And besides, I won’t have to stay in here forever, only until the boys come back.” She responded smugly.

“You smart bitch.” Harry spat, banging his fists against the door once more. He began to hit the door with thêm force. “Harry you’re going to break the fucking door down!” Carter screamed. “That’s my plan bạn fucking twat!” Harry shouted, pushing his body against the door. Carter ran and his under the covers.

Not that it was going to give her much protection. After all, if Harry gets in here, she’s dead.

Harry backed away from the bedroom door, before ramming into it. The door broke off its hinges and dropped to the floor with a thud.

Harry stepped into Carter’s room and made his way over to Carter’s bed. He grabbed the covers and pulled them off her. “Boo.” He barely whispered. Carter shrieked as she tried to run away, but Harry grabbed her and threw her over his shoulders. He began to venture downstairs as Carter kicked and screamed in his arms.

She somehow managed to wriggle from his grasp and run back into her bedroom. But her speed was no match for Harry’s and he soon caught her once again, latching his arm around her neck. He took a tablet out of his pocket and shoved it down Carter’s throat as she desperately tried to break free from his grasp. Carter’s eyelids became heavy and she dropped to the floor in a deep sleep.

Harry grabbed Carter’s motionless body once again and threw her over his shoulders, strolling down the stairs with the biggest smirk of mankind plastered on his face.

* * * * *

Carter awoke suddenly a couple of hours later, along in the sitting room. She exhaled deeply and stood up, clutching her head. “Oh thank god…” she whispered to herself. “I just had a dream that the boys went to Ibiza and left me here with – HARRY!” she screamed when she realised Harry was standing in the doorway.

“S-Stay away from me H-Harry….” She stammered, backing away from him. He scoffed and neared towards her. “Harry p-please…” Carter begged, shielding her face with her hands. Harry grabbed her bởi the neck and slammed her against the wall. Her legs hoisted off the floor as he choked her forcefully.

“Thought bạn could outsmart me? Eh?!” he roared breathing heavily on Carter’s face. She shook her head vigorously, a tear escaping her eye and falling down her cheek. “Do bạn know what Carter? I’ve Mất tích all respect for you. You’re nothing but a pathetic little girl.” Harry spat, throwing Carter onto the floor and kicking her into the gut. She doubled over in pain and cried silently.

“You’re a fucking disgrace Carter.”

Carter glared up at Harry. “You think I’m pathetic Harry? You’re the pathetic one! bạn beat me up every chance bạn get just for the fun of it! You’re the reason I’m a disgrace! You’re the reason the boys don’t trust me to stay at trang chủ alone Harry! This is your entire fault!” she yelled, her venomous words stabbing at Harry.

“Yeah, yeah Carter. Keep talking! You’re just making things fucking worse for yourself!” Harry shouted, kicking Carter once thêm before leaving the room and locking the door, smirking to himself.

Her whiny voice was giving him a headache. He’ll sort her out later.

Carter wiped her tears out of her eyes and sighed. She grabbed hold of the đi văng beside her and used it to help her up. She brushed herself off and walked over to the sitting room door. She tried to open it but soon realised it was locked. She kicked in door in a fit of rage, only for a sharp pain to rise up her foot as she winced in pain.

Some time later, Harry unlocked the door and entered the room once again, his eyes falling on Carter who had her back to him, looking out the window.

“What do bạn want for dinner?” he asked blankly. “I’m not hungry.” She retorted. “What are bạn going to eat then?!” Harry questioned impatiently. “I said, I’m not hungry.” Carter repeated coldly. Harry crept up and leaned closer to her.

“If bạn know what’s good for you, bạn won’t speak to me like that.” Harry whispered in carter’s ear. Carter gulped as she gazed at her feet.

“I’ll ask bạn once more, what do bạn want for dinner?” Harry quizzed. “I don’t mind, anything bạn want Harry.” Carter replied in a sweet tone. “That’s better.” Harry chuckled and left the room. Carter ran upstairs and dashed into her bedroom. She opened her drawer and fumbled around in tìm kiếm of something. She soon found it and sprinted into her en-suite bathroom, locking the door.

She was going to be able to survive 3 weeks with Harry; he’ll drive her to death.

She gripped the piece of glass she had gotten from her drawer tightly in the palm of her hand as she took off her hoodie. She glided the glass along her wrists, making deep incisions as she did. She knew this was wrong, but it was her only escape at the moment.

“CARTER! WE’RE GOING OUT!” Harry roared from downstairs.

Carter wrapped bandages around her wrists in order to stop the bleeding and put on her hoodie once more. She skipped downstairs to where Harry was and smiled. “Where are we going?” she inquired. “A take-away. There’s no thực phẩm here. We’ll go shopping tomorrow.” He responded, putting on his jacket. “Oh in that case, I’ll stay here.” She đã đưa ý kiến as she headed up the stairs.

Harry grabbed her bởi the wrist and pulled her back. “You’re coming bạn slut.” He growled, gripping her wrist tightly and dragging her out the door. “Harry, p-please let go of my wrist, y-you’re hurting me!” Carter pleaded, wincing in pain. “Aw is poor little Carter hurt? See how I care bitch.” He cackled, squeezing her wrist even tighter and pulling her along the footpath.

“Get in the car.” He grunted. Carter climbed into the back ghế, chỗ ngồi and Harry went into the driver’s seat. Carter thought about jumping out of the car and running for a moment, but decided against it as she did not want to suffer the consequences that would come afterwards.

The car ride was silent and awkward. Carter fidgeted with her fingers in the back of the car, much too engrossed in her own thoughts to notice that Harry was staring at her in his rear-view mirror. “CARTER!” he yelled, causing her to snap up and gasp. He laughed and shook his head. He found it hilarious that he had so much power over Carter. It amazed him how frightened of him she was.

They arrived at the take-away and Harry led Carter inside. He threw her a menu and she gazed down at it blankly. “What do bạn want?” he asked. “You pick.” She shrugged, cracking a small smile. He glared at her before nodding. Harry ordered the thực phẩm and they sat down while they waited for it. Harry went to the bathroom so Carter was left alone. The door swung open and in walked Lucy and Harry’s friends. Carter put her head down in hope that they wouldn’t recognise her, but they did.

“Carter?! What an unpleasant surprise!” Lucy gushed, scooting over to Carter. Carter looked up at her, worry and fright in her eyes. “Aw, look at that boys, Carter’s here alone!” Lucy giggled. “No, actually I’m here with Ha-” Carter tried to speak but Lucy cut her off. “Shut it Carter! No one gives a fuck about what bạn say, bạn whore!” Lucy’s sweet tone suddenly turned into an evil one.

“Take her out boys.” Lucy remarked. Harry’s Những người bạn each grabbed Carter’s arms and legs and carried her out of the restaurant. “Put me down!” Carter screamed, trying to wriggle from their grasp. “Shut it bitch.” Lucy spat.

The boys threw Carter onto the floor. She attempted to pick herself up but Lucy pushed her down again. “Where’s your big brother now Carter?” Lucy questioned, bending down to Carter’s level. “He’s gone to Ibiza.” Carter replied, shaking with fear. A smirk grew on Lucy’s cherry-red lips. “Perfect.” Lucy grinned.

She slapped Carter across the face and pulled her off the ground bởi the hair. She shoved her against the wall. “No one can save bạn now Carter.” Lucy whispered, kneeing Carter into the gut. Carter fell to the floor and clutched her stomach in pain.

“Finish her off boys.” Lucy ordered. Harry’s Những người bạn surrounded Carter and she tried to pull herself back up. They took turns punching, kicking, slapping and using any way possible to hurt Carter. Her phone fell out of her pocket. She put her hand out to reach it but Lucy wasn’t going to let her. She stomped on Carter’s hand with her high heel and picked up her phone. Carter screamed in pain.

“Shut the fuck up slut! Someone will hear you.”

They continued to beat her as she lay there helplessly. She couldn’t do anything about it. The numbers game was too much.

“Oi! Leave that girl alone!” a deep voice roared from nearby.

Lucy dropped the phone on Carter and her and the boys ran off. Carter heard footsteps nearing towards her. For an instant, she thought that it could be Harry. But then she realised that Harry would never do that. “Carter, are bạn ok babe?” a soft voice asked in concern. Carter’s vision was blurry but she knew bởi the sounds of their voices that it was Mark and Alan from soccer. She was unable to speak and only managed to let a small groan escape her lips.

“Shit Alan, she’s bleeding badly.” Mark chimed. Tears continued to fall from Carter’s eyes as she whimpered in pain. “Shh Carter, we’ve got bạn babe. They can’t hurt bạn anymore.” Alan whispered. A smile placed on Carter’s lips as the two boys lifted her off the ground.

They brought her trang chủ and knocked on the door. Harry answered the door. He had gone trang chủ after Carter had ‘abandoned’ him and was plotting revenge. Alan and Mark’s eyes widened when they saw Harry. “HARRY?! Erm… is Liam hoặc the boys there?” Mark asked awkwardly. “No, they’re gone on holiday. I’m watching the house.” Harry grunted. “Oh in that case… maybe Carter could stay at mine tonight…” Alan quivered, forever being a gentleman.

“No. She’s staying with me.” Harry đã đưa ý kiến sternly. “No I’m sure that won’t be necessary….” Alan hesitated. “Boys, if bạn know what’s good for you, you’ll hand me the girl and get your pretty little asses out of m sight.” Harry threatened. Mark and Alan gazed at each other in fright before reluctantly handing Carter over to Harry. Harry slammed the door in their faces so they headed home.

Harry held Carter in his arms as he brought her into the sitting room. Her head was bleeding badly and some of the blood had gotten onto Harry’s t-shirt. “Ew! Carter you’re getting blood on me!” Harry growled, throwing Carter onto the couch. The pain was unbearable for Carter.

“See Carter? This is what bạn get for fucking abandoning me bạn whore.” Harry looked at the injured girl in disgust. Carter opened her mouth to speak but only a cough came out. “Why did bạn run away from me bitch?” Harry roared. Carter remained silent, still too sore to speak. “ANSWER ME bạn SLUT!!!” Harry raged, kicking Carter in the gut.

“I-I-I-I d-didn’t r-run a-away H-H-Harry.” Carter đã đưa ý kiến shakily and breathlessly. “Then why weren’t bạn there when I came out of the bathroom?!” Harry quizzed impatiently. “They took me.” Carter whispered, her eyes becoming heavy and beginning to shut. “Who?!” Harry inquired, shaking Carter’s limp body vigorously.

“Lucy and your friends. They carried me out of the restaurant and beat me up until Mark and Alan came.” Carter’s voice was so weak; Harry’s tim, trái tim almost seemed to jerk.

Harry shook his head and looked at Carter again. “Do bạn still want some food?” he questioned. Carter shook her head and pulled herself off the couch. “No, I’m just going to go to bed.” She replied, tears brimming in her eyes. Harry nodded and she stood up, only to fall back down, her body being too weak to keep her up.

“Woah, fuck Carter! Be careful! Do bạn want me to bring bạn upstairs?” Harry questioned. “N-No. I’m fine.” Carter retorted, trying to regain her balance, only to fall once again. Harry rolled her eyes and grabbed Carter, throwing her over his shoulders.

He put her down when they reached her bed. “Thanks Harry.” Carter whispered. “Yeah, yeah. Whatever. Just don’t get used to this. I was only helping bạn because I hate Lucy. Things go back to normal starting tomorrow.” Harry informed her. Carter nodded and Harry left the room.

She didn’t even bother changing into her pyjamas; she just wrapped the duvet around her and fell to sleep. Tears continued to fall from her eyes. She didn’t know if it was physical hoặc emotional pain that was causing this.

Just think Carter, only 20 thêm days and the boys will be back.

* * * * *
added by mina27
added by mina27
added by mina27
added by CullenSisters-X
Source: Me :)
added by CullenSisters-X
Source: Me :)
added by catharoses
Source: Lindas '
added by Selena_Justin
added by xMrsNiallHoranx
added by xMrsNiallHoranx
posted by Eviem99
Those six weeks without Louis were the longest of Eleanor's life.
Each passing ngày was another tick on the calendar in the countdown to seeing Louis again.
She kept herself busy, trường đại học coursework helped as a much needed distraction leaving no room in her brain to miss him too much.
Her Những người bạn helped a lot, the girls night outs in Manchester helped to keep the loneliness away.
As đã đưa ý kiến he had phoned and texted her every single ngày in the six weeks leading up to the end of the tour.
She loved the sound of his voice on the phone but ached to hold him, Kiss him.
From what he had told her, he missed...
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posted by awesomepudding
 Harry Styles
Harry Styles
I know everyone thinks the main boy of the band is Harry Styles, but Harry is ACTUALLY the youngest one in 1D. Harry's true talent other than hát is playing the kazoo and juggling. Wow! That's a lot from someone who's a pop star, living the dream. Harry is romantic and hates mayonnaise according to his mother. Once Harry ran through a train station in only his boxers. he signs his name with only one "r" and admires Zayn's cheek-bones. Harry was dating Taylor nhanh, swift for a while ( Boooooooooo for Harry những người hâm mộ :(! ) but luckily Harry rejected Taylor so now Harry is currently available! (Yaaaaaaaaayyyy!)...
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1 - Story of My Life

2 - Best Song Ever

3 - What Makes bạn Beautiful

4 - Kiss You

5 - Little Things

6 - Live While We're Young

7 - One Thing

8 - One Way hoặc Another (Teenage Kicks)

9 - Rock Me

10 - They Don't Know About Us

11 - Heart Attack

12 - I Would

13 - C'mon, C'mon

14 - Over Again

15 - Last First Kiss
xin chào guys! We just wanted to say a MASSIVE thank bạn to all of bạn for the support you’ve được trao us in the past three years. We’re amazed at the dedication and tình yêu you’ve shown us and want bạn to know we really appreciate how much bạn put into coming to shows, buying our âm nhạc etc. We hope bạn know just how much you’ve changed our lives. The 1D fandom really is the best fandom EVER. Thank bạn for everything - we couldn’t have done it without you.

Louis :) x Zayn :) x Nialler xx Harry .x Liam – Xxx

Rachel’s POV:

You know what? It’s my yêu thích giờ during school, SCIENCE.

And oh yeah, I tình yêu Science and even my Science teacher, Miss Marie Fiest. She is really an awesome teacher. Okay, I think the word “BRAINY” would describe her best.
She is my ROLE MODEL.

She came in and announced “Students, we are going for camping in the forest to see the insects and animals”.

“So bạn have to put up your own tents and bạn could do that in PAIRS”

What?? bạn mean P-A-I-R-S?? Who would come and tham gia me? I’m so sure that I would be left lonely in the whole camping idea.


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Hahahahaha!!! Lol!!!!! We all know how Niall is with his food!!!!! Especially Nando's!!!!! If I ever go to the UK, the first thing I'm going to do is eat at Nando's!!!!! Then I'm going to go to 1D World!!!!!! I know that it's going to be a long time from now so I guess I better start saving up!!!!! How much do bạn think I'll need? $100? $200? Oh what the hell. bạn and me both know I'm gonna need about $300 hoặc $400 to get everything I want from that place!!!! Am I right? hoặc am I right? Yeah I know I'm right!!!!! Im probably going to pass out just bởi standing at the door!!!!!! Have any of bạn been there? If bạn have what's it like? Omg I won't be able to survive it!!!!! I already know!!!!!
Everyone got out of the car after reaching the mall.
At the entrance, they decided to meet each other at 10:00 am. The time was just 8:00 am and they had a lot of time to spend.
Niall pulled Niome towards an ornaments shop. They both entered.
Shopkeeper: Yes, sir… What can I do for you?
Niall: I want …. A ring?
Niome was really puzzled.
The shopkeeper showed many người mẫu but for everything Niall’s answer was “No…”
At last! A poster clicked his mind.
Niall: I want one like that…
Shopkeeper: bạn mean that tình yêu rings sir?
He nodded his head.
The shopkeeper took out a pair of that kind of rings....
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posted by victoria7011
To be honest,to like/love a boy-band/band, bạn don't have to like every single member. For example, i don't like Oritse out of JLS but it doesnt mean that he doesnt deserve to be a member. JLS wouldnt be JLS without him. Same if bạn took any member out of JLS. I respect him but everyone has there opinion. Same that i dont like Harry Styles out of One Direction - I think hes really annoying but that doesnt mean i dont want him to be a part of One Direction. bạn dont need to like every member, just respect every member. Oh and bạn can have favourites in a band/boyband. Doesnt mean i dont like the others. Just means i really tình yêu one person because i feel thêm of a passion towards them. Directed at people who keep complaining your not a true fan/directioner if bạn dont tình yêu all the boys the same..
 1D - Respect them
1D - Respect them
 Twitter bức ảnh
Twitter Photo
Hanna's P.O.V
It was just a năm later that we had Darcy Cher Calder Styles and Edward Louis Horan Styles. They were both 1 năm old. Harry and I had gotten married and had this huge wedding that was amazing. Papparazzi were all over it..which was bad,but apparently the những người hâm mộ 'love' me for making Harry happy. Yeah,I'll believe that when những người hâm mộ stop hating on me through Twitter,thinking that Haz doesn't look through my Twitter.
"Mummy?" I heard Darcy ask as I got downstairs,along with Harry.
Cher squealed,"Yes,Darcy! Mummy and Daddy are going to another place with Uncle Lou and Auntie El" She reminded...
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posted by DiamondYJ
Niall's POV:

Changing a person's name doesn't mean bạn can change the person themselves. Skylar will always be Skylar, never Sophie. I can't even picture what would happen if she... "Changed." I say, completing my thought out loud. "You think Skylar is going to change?" asks a voice. "Wouldn't you?" I reply, facing Louis evenly. "I trust her. Girls prefer men who trust them." I raise an eyebrow and he stands there as if he is awaiting a challenge.

"You are 21. bạn are way too old for Skylar!" I point out. "Yes, but not for Sophie. Sophie is registered as 19. Plus she looks 19 anyway." he replies...
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posted by fiestagirl12345
Ruby's P.O.V

i was at my locker stuffing things that i didnt need for class. i got my things and headed to advisory. Mellissa and Keri were their sitting laughing. i sat bởi them.smiling. we pulled attention to our teachers. finnally the chuông, bell rang and we headed to our classes. i saw my bff's Keri and danyell wel danyell. she smiled when we walked in. most of the time she is reading. we got in partners and did our assingments. "so hows it been latetly"i say nghề viết văn some things from danyell's paper. she mostly got a's in mostly every class. class ended a few hours later.
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