kissing Club
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posted by unohana
1.At the end of the date, find a way to get close to him hoặc her. This will not only help bạn read your date’s level of interest better, but also get yourself into position should the opportunity to Kiss present itself.

2.Gauge your date’s reaction to you. You'll need to do this quickly as the goodbye-kiss window doesn’t stay open for long. If you’re walking your ngày trang chủ and they don’t let bạn get that close to the door, take this physical distancing as a sign that a goodnight Kiss isn't such a great idea. If (s)he is eager to get the keys in the door, this too is a bad sign. Other red lights can include clamped lips hoặc a stubborn refusal to make eye contact. However, there’s a good chance that the signs won’t be as obvious as this. To give yourself the advantage in the moment, learn how to read body language so that bạn can act fast and avoid any mishaps. Only make a di chuyển if bạn feel all is right.

3.Make a “moment.” Remember that in every goodnight Kiss scenario, you've got a limited window of opportunity to make your move. Create an "awkward pause" in the conversation. Studies hiển thị that people are uncomfortable with gaps of silence in conversation, so fill it with a smile and get ready to di chuyển in for a kiss.

4.Maintain eye contact. If your ngày steadily returns your gaze, consider it an invitation to smooch. If (s)he tries to maintain eye contact but breaks it before anything can happen, chalk it up to nervousness and try to create another “moment” if it isn’t too late.

5.Move in for the kiss. Keep it simple, especially if this is your first Kiss with your date. This means no tongue hoặc special moves; just turn your head slightly to the side, lean in slowly, and rock his hoặc her world! bạn can place your hand on the small of their neck if bạn wish.

If your ngày is enthusiastic, bạn may be able to turn the simple smooch into a longer, thêm involved kiss. However, only do this if bạn feel very confident about the cues you’re being given; when in doubt, err on the side of kissing too little, as it’s better to leave them wanting thêm than to make them regret kissing bạn in the first place.
If bạn get the dreaded cheek turn, briefly apologize, laugh it off, and leave with your dignity intact.

6.Repeat if desired, hoặc if bạn feel your ngày getting into it. This may lead to being invited inside, but don't count on it


-If it seems like your ngày is waiting for a while to go inside, Kiss her. She wants bạn to.
-If bạn feel your ngày trying to di chuyển away hoặc say "No," don’t press the issue. Simply ask if (s)he's okay; if the answer is "nothing" hoặc your ngày has to think about it, just say goodnight, as your ngày probably isn’t comfortable enough to admit it’s too soon to kiss. Never force a goodnight Kiss on someone.
-Add các bình luận such as "Tonight was amazing" hoặc "I hope we can do this again sometime" (and hiển thị her that bạn mean it) to make him/her feel special.
-When you're walking away, give a little glance back - chances are she'll be watching bạn go.
-If bạn want to be extra cute bạn could even Kiss her hand hoặc forehead, but be wary of the forehead Kiss as some girls find it patronizing hoặc granddad-like.


-If your ngày is facing the other way, do not grab his hoặc her head and turn it to face bạn for the kiss. This is pushy and unromantic.
-Be wary of giving a goodnight (or first) Kiss in front of friends, whether they’re yours hoặc your date’s; this is meant to be a sweet and private moment, so keep it as exclusive as possible.
-Don't just go around kissing anyone, anytime! bạn may be charged with sexual assault if bạn di chuyển too aggressively.