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cáo, fox reveals Season 3 Possibilty



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No season three, but glad that we got the full season 2!
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Echofan said:
I think the show got cut too soon it has only been airing since september 09 you cant expect ppl to tune in so fast in one year. I myself was only just introduced to the show a week ago and I love it. If the first and second season get run on tv as reruns then ppl will start tuning in slowly and then get hooked til they realize there wont be a season 3 because it got canceled before it had a chance. just like so many other tv show. Jake 2.0 for instance. Just think about it. And I'll be looking for season three on dvd.
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come on, fox keep their word to joss, he should never go back to them again!
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big smile
season 3 season 3 season 3 plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
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echofan: your definatley right the same happened to moonlight which only had 1 series done and that was brill im so sad that dollhouse wont be doing a series 3 weep weep
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The same happened with Firefly, which was another of Joss' shows, and FOX is to blame, putting both shows on a 9PM time slot on a Friday. Fail FOX
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You guys couldn't be so right. I just started season 2 and I love it. They didn't promote this show good at all. If I would of known about it in 09 I would have been hooked then. They need to bring season 3 back. They like someone else said need more reruns on tv for this
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ALL my friends and I love The Dollhouse, really bummed theres only 2 seasons!
They really need to make season 3, and promote it better, I know a ton of people who will watch it if the seasons go on!!
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