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It's been 4 years since I last made a princess danh sách and I feel that it needs an update. Unlike my earlier duration on fanpop where I could never keep my danh sách constant, my danh sách has stayed pretty much consistent over time since my original departure. It's difficult for me to make yêu thích princess lists, not because of being so negatively opinionated, but actually because I genuinely like all of the princesses.

11. Rapunzel
 The Pisces
The Pisces

Rapunzel has a quality I find frustrating and regrettably common in modern heroines- she's endearingly quirky. It irks me because I think there is a societal expectation for women to be always lovable and to only have flaws if they're displayed in an incredibly likeable way. Rapunzel seems to be naturally gifted in everything as well as hopelessly inspirational to Flynn, Maximus, the townspeople, and the thugs. She is được trao no room to make any real mistakes. I find her overcoming her insecurities somewhat superficial in that she is unintentionally charming and lovable throughout the whole film and her flaws are always displayed as adorable; she never has to earn anyone's affections so in the end everything comes easy to her.
I do think she is the 2nd smartest princess and I enjoy the little facets about her like how she charts stars, that's a nice touch.

Princess Movie: Princess and the Frog. Tedious, frustrating, and frankly only watchable to swoon over Naveen
Attractive Princess: Well, Merida. But she's not made to be pretty.
Villain: "Thirsty? Have a Drink! Ha Ha Ha!" Aaaand that's about it for The Queen.
Soundtrack: Snow White and the Seven Dwarf's soundtrack isn't really enjoyable outside of the movie's context.
Sidekicks: I was always against animal cruelty until I watched Pocahontas and had to suffer through any scene with Meeko and Percy

10. Aurora
 The Libra
The Libra

I think I can make this succinct- Aurora is enchanting when she is on screen, but lacks depth and I feel that people who tình yêu her project a personality onto her. While that's certainly within their right, personally I like characters with definable personalities.

Princess Movie: Cinderella, as enthralling as it is to watch the mice do things like get chased bởi a cat, sew a dress, get chased bởi a cat, escape a cage, get chased bởi a cat...oh wait, no it isn't
Prince: Aladdin; liar, liar, pants on fire
Attractive Princess: Mulan has always had rùa, con rùa lips to me
Attractive Prince: Charming is an android with melted plastic hair
Villain: While Lady Tremaine certainly is quite cruel, I just like the flashier villains. And her hair looks like a croissant.
Soundtrack: Sleeping Beauty's soundtrack is like a nice lullaby. Unfortunately I never listen to any of the classic princess' soundtracks outside of watching the movies
Sidekicks: I adore Bruno, but Cinderella's mice scenes are torture

9. Tiana
 The Capricorn
The Capricorn

Tiana is fantastic for the first 15 phút of her movie. She has a good balance of realizing it takes hard work to accomplish your goals without turning her nose down on those who can be eccentric in their dreaming, such as Lottie. The scene where she spurns Naveen bởi rolling her eyes and walking away is a gem and reminds me a lot of myself. I tình yêu that she doesn't want to waste any time on a guy and that she is career-focused. I was looking phía trước, chuyển tiếp to seeing a princess on screen whose goal is her professional life and her professional life only, with romance taking a backseat as only something she will have if it doesn't interfere with her dream. Unfortunately, after Tiana turns into a frog, she suffers from an inconsistent, jumbled and ultimately dull plot that doesn't allow her character to expand; and in some cases causes her to seem slightly condescending. In fact I feel that once the frog plot starts, the thêm interesting character qualities are được trao to Naveen, Louis, and even Ray, and Tiana is sort of left in the dust. Then they do her the further injustice of making her equally preoccupied with Naveen as she is with her restaurant. I see so much wasted potential with Tiana (and her movie in general) in what I think could have been one of the most unique, and potentially my favorite, Disney Princesses.

Princess Movie: Sleeping Beauty: Only getting points for the scene where Phillip is struggling in the chains...HOT!
Favorite Prince: While I think Flynn is a good guy and the bravest prince, I just don't care for wise-cracking pretty boys
Attractive Princess: I really don't get the appeal of Belle. She's always been plain to me.
Attractive Prince: I try to steer clear of guys like The Prince who will give me a lipstick stain on my mouth if they Kiss me. What if it's not my shade?
Singing Voice: Cinderella's voice is pleasant enough but I prefer powerful voices.
Villain: Gothel is thêm like a washed-up Broadway diva than a real menacing villain. In the past I compared her to Rachel from Glee and although Glee is no longer relevant, neither is Gothel
Soundtrack::Cinderella. I tình yêu Bibbidi Bobbidi Boo and the Main Titles. My yêu thích song is the deleted one, "Dancing on a Cloud"
Sidekicks: What sidekicks does Brave have? Angus? It's a horse

 The Taurus
The Taurus

This is the beginning of the danh sách where I genuinely like the princesses and have minimal complaints. Lọ lem is kind and caring without being saccharine and has a subtle sarcastic sense of humor. Her quiet determination to keep her faith that her dreams will come true if she just keeps believing is prime Disney hokey-ness but beguiling just the same. I think her detractors who criticize her for being passive aren't watching the same movie as me- as a woman in a highly abusive household, whose only connection left she has with her father is the house she lives in and is dedicated to, Lọ lem absolutely is not weak for leaving; she would have suffered severe consequences in verbally contending with her stepfamily. She is one of the thêm consistently defiant princesses, even if it is a muted defiance. Lọ lem is simply this low because I like the other princesses thêm and I connect better with thêm brash, outspoken princesses.

Princess Movie: Brave: The trailer was thêm exciting than the movie itself
Favorite Prince: Charming. He's very talented at rolling his eyes
Attractive Princess: Tiana's face is literally indistinguishable without the hair squiggles.
Attractive Prince: Phillip wears form fitting tights and a cape, but I really only care about the dungeon scene. Tied up, slightly sweaty, and angry. MMM-HMM!
Singing Voice: Aurora's is operatic, sure, but not my style
Villain: Maleficent gets touted as Disney's most evil heroine but she didn't get off her rump for 15 years to find Aurora. It also took her that long of time to even catch on that her minions were looking for a baby instead of a maiden. A real villain would have taken care of business herself.
Soundtrack: Brave has a song about decapitating and stringing up a bear's head and mounting it on the wall. Classic Disney fare
Sidekicks: Princess and the Frog. I like Louis, but cá đuối, ray is really annoying and Mama Odie drives me crazy

7. Snow White
 The Cancer
The Cancer

Disney's first princess is emblazoned with a quality that has rattled me since I first indulged her; nerve. This girl has serious self-possession and stamina that should earn her a slew of admirers, including myself. After receiving news that she is to be murdered bởi the Queen and suffering a traumatic episode in the forest, she collapses on the ground in tears only to awaken moments later, refreshed and regenerated. She breaks into a stranger's home, bosses the động vật around to clean it up, then takes it over as soon as the dwarfs arrive and doesn't put up with any of their lip- albeit doing all of this with outdated, homemaking womanly domination. She is a crackling cá đuối, ray of sunshine who is undaunted bởi the imminent threat to her life, and while definitely the most romance-focused of the princesses, has an intrepidity about her that continues to amaze and entertain me. She is in the end however, a very dated character and I could make the argument that she borders on the insufferable with her indefinite cheery attitude.

Princess Movie: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs: Entertaining enough but not much plot
Favorite Prince: Phillip. He's funny. Did I mention the dungeon scene? HOT!!
Attractive Princess: I think Aurora looks like a man in drag at times but I tình yêu her eye shape
Attractive Prince: The shoulders on Beast! The long luscious fur- I mean hair! His strong paws- I mean hands! The way he coughs up hairba- I mean the way he kisses Belle! What a furry- I mean guy! What a guy!
Singing Voice: Yes, I tình yêu Snow White's vibrato, so sue me
Villain: Facilier had so much potential, so little payoff. Really unclear goal. And he shows off his midriff, which isn't particularly intimidating
Soundtrack: Tangled: has a nice, pleasant, fluff soundtrack and I adore Rapunzel's voice
Sidekicks: Sleeping Beauty has some nice động vật ....

6. Merida
 The Scorpio
The Scorpio

If Merida had come out in the renaissance era, she would probably be my yêu thích princess. She is bởi far and away my preference of the revival princesses. I find that women in film are never allowed to be selfish-- they are expected to sacrifice their own happiness, to be kind, and to put others before their own goals and I think this is a very toxic attitude to have; it is a way of oppressing women from keeping after their pursuits. Merida's refusal to bow to her mother's whims and decision to put her own needs first ultimately is the reason that she was able to change an archaic and sexist tradition as well as improve her relationship with her mother. If she had just agreed to enter into a loveless marriage her relationship with her mother would continue to deteriorate and I think ultimately her own feelings of resentment would fester and bloom into something possibly thêm destructive. I couldn't be thêm happy with Merida's actions especially since self-care is often Mất tích in Disney movies. I personally see a lot of myself reflected in Merida because I am often called inconsiderate (often true, and I'm working on that) and self-focused but I refuse to give up my own morals and well-being to please somebody else.

Princess Movie: I saw Tangled 3 times in theaters! I give it a B
Favorite Prince: The Prince... He does his job, that's all I can ask.
Attractive Princess: Jasmine's looks are out of this world...in the sense that she occasionally looks like an alien
Attractive Prince: I used to think Flynn was plain but he actually has some stellar eyebrows
Singing Voice: Although I think Mulan & Jasmine sound slightly different, Lea Salonga has a nice voice.
Villain: Mor'du actually is a very compelling concept but unfortunately the execution was convoluted. I think the moment where the prince is released from his chịu, gấu form and nods at Merida is quite poignant.
Soundtrack: Beauty and the Beast has a phenomenal score that's even better than the soundtrack but the soundtrack still isn't anything to sneeze at.
Sidekicks: Snow White has that adorable rùa, con rùa and cute little spiders, the động vật are really nice and help her clean and protect her. Dwarfs are ok too

5. Mulan
 The Leo
The Leo

There's not much to say about Mulan that hasn't already been đã đưa ý kiến bởi others. She is intelligent, courageous, quick-thinking, and has an ego to prove herself. One thing I really appreciate about Mulan is that this is an example of someone who is allowed to be clutzy and quirky without it bordering hoặc drowning in hackneyed adorable-ness. She is sloppy and her actions border on reckless stupidity but on the flip side are unmatched genius. She isn't spunky, bubbly, hoặc verbally brash and her timing is often terrible but I think this is what makes her one of Disney's best characters, heroic actions aside. Mulan is never forced to sacrifice her femininity (that final scene where she defeats Shan Yu with her người hâm mộ rather than her sword) despite having to dress up as a man because she never gave up on her own personality, her girly habits, and never for one một giây managed to conceal herself into the world of men.

Princess Movie: Pocahontas;(without historical context): mawkish, yet moving (with historical context): WHO DECIDED THIS WAS A GOOD IDEA?!
Prince: Beast, I tình yêu furries
Attractive Princess: Rapunzel is gorgeous in some scenes, and looks like a 12 năm old in others.
Attractive Prince: Eventually I knew I'd be forced to say something nice about Aladdin. Lack of nipples aside, he's an attractive guy. There. Don't make me do that again
Singing Voice: Tiana's voice is powerful, clear, and dexterous.
Villain: Radcliffe says "Just think how they'll squirm when they see how I glitter!" That's reasoning enough for me!
Soundtrack: Mulan has a really awkward soundtrack (4 songs, and the movie just stops having them halfway through the movie) but "I'll Make a Man out of You" and "Reflection" are both powerhouses.
Sidekicks: All of Beauty and the Beast's sidekicks are helpful and kind but I can also easily kill them just bởi dropping them

4. Pocahontas
 The Sagittarius
The Sagittarius

I have, in the past, criticized Pocahontas for her dullness in the một giây act but upon reflection over the past few years I realize that it's not really dullness at all but rather someone who is faced with the heavy weight of a responsibility that she's never had to conquer before. If bạn recall in the beginning of the film, Powhatan returns from an important battle of some magnitude and Pocahontas is nowhere to be found. She returns to greet him and immediately flitters off again; political encumbrances are of no concern to her. But after her impactful meeting with John Smith she cannot ignore her involvement in imminent war but at the same time doesn't want to abandon her principles of peace. She is not above being confused, unsure and contradictory, which makes her even thêm relatable. And, unlike other princesses who have come to a definite emotional turnaround bởi the end of their film, Pocahontas is still internally conflicted and that is consistently thêm realistic than all emotional variance being wrapped up nicely. I have strong ties to Pocahontas with her "should I choose the smoothest course? steady as the beating drum? Should I marry kocoum? is all my dreaming at an end?" because it remains cryptic and unanswered. "Just Around the Riverbend" itself is about a vague feeling like there is thêm to come but she just hasn't figured herself out yet. I still feel like I haven't found my path and it's soothing to see this reflected in a Disney character.

Princess Movie: Mulan is funny, exciting, touching, and all about a woman proving she's better than all the men around her. WORKS FOR ME!
Prince: Naveen, I tình yêu any character who's as carefree and selfish as him, because I wish to be so unconcerned with anxieties. I know I would hate him in real life, but since he's animated he gets a pass
Attractive Princess: Completely make-up free and with Công chúa tóc mây saltwater hair, Ariel is still a stunner
Attractive Prince: Okay, so John Smith has mũ bảo hiểm hair. He's still a babe.
Singing Voice: When I was a kid I despised Pocahontas' hát voice but I have since matured and grown as a person and one of my many accomplishments is coming to appreciate Judy Kuhn in all her hippy-lyric glory
Villain: Even thêm flamboyant than Radcliffe, Jafar makes a zesty, funny duo along with Iago (who is one of the most hilarious Disney characters ever).
Soundtrack: On my last các sở thích danh sách I put Princess and the Frog last and I am personally offended at myself for doing that.
Sidekicks: The Little Mermaid. Sebastian is just fantastic!

 The Aries
The Aries

This is the princess I find myself most fiercely defending because people repeatedly call hoa nhài "spoiled" hoặc "bitchy" and I think she is, hands down, the kindest and most understanding person in the film (along with Genie). hoa nhài is probably the most reflective of myself in personality (I am ALWAYS ready to verbally throw down anytime, anyplace, and anywhere and I NEVER compromise myself for others). She also is way too forgiving when she loves someone because I think she should have kicked Aladdin và cây đèn thần to the curb from the first time he lied to her. But I also had (until very recently) a tendency to keep forgiving repeatedly and only now have I learned to put an end to it after it happens once. I like that she doesn't kindly spurn suitors- she treats them exactly as they've treated her and isn't afraid when to let them know to buzz off and call them out on being shallow. People call her spoiled because she isn't impressed bởi Aladdin's grand parade but I think that makes her anything but- she wants someone who takes the time to get to know her as a person and be humble instead of assuming she is shallow and will be won over bởi riches. What prevents her from going higher is her tendency to be naïve; following Aladdin và cây đèn thần back to his hideout, jumping on the carpet after he had admitted he was attracted to her royal status and money, and looking the other way to his repeated lies. I can and will fault her for that because I've done the same thing.

Princess Movie: Aladdin: I met Robin Williams, he signed my DVD, and now I must have it in my hàng đầu, đầu trang 5 as a sacrificial offering to his memory
Prince: John Smith: Also known as "literally the same personality as Phoebus", he's adventurous and Công chúa tóc xù but still with a sense of humor and pretty good at rolling with the punches. "Pocahontas, that cây is talking to me."
Attractive Princess:Snow White is so delicately pretty, but also reminds me of JonBenet Ramsey
Singing Voice: I don't have a clever bình luận for putting Ariel at this ranking- It's Jodi Benson!
Villain Shan-Yu may not be one of the most well-defined villains but he's just plain murderous and menacing.
Soundtrack: The Little Mermaid, I can't tell bạn the number of time's I've acted out Ursula's part in "Poor Unfortunate Souls" in the car
Sidekicks: All of Mulan's sidekicks are great because they don't care about Mulan's gender

2. Belle
 The Aquarius
The Aquarius

I'd like to start bởi saying I never found Belle particularly selfless- her father was the person she loved most in the world and I think anyone would trade places with the person they cherish most if they truly loved them because they wouldn't be able to live with themselves. She wouldn't agree to marry Gaston to save her father from the asylum which again shows the self-love that I think often Disney Princesses aren't allowed to have; there is a to her selflessness. Belle has the improvement over hoa nhài in that she doesn't forgive the Beast for diễn xuất cruel and temperamental and ONLY starts warming up to him when he begins to treat her with kindness. The scene where she refuses to come down to bữa tối, bữa ăn tối is particularly ballsy considering she's got a 8ft tall monster outside her door. I could care less for Belle's propensity to read, what I do tình yêu is her unheeding curiosity especially in the case of The West Wing; I like this intellectually exploring quality to her. Belle also has serious conviction- like Jasmine, she doesn't bend her morals for any reason but I think she walks the walk better.

Princess Movie: Beauty and the Beast- it's a great story to begin with that's really hard to mess up. Check out the 1946 French version, it's my favorite
Prince: Shang, selfless, smart, subtly humorous, secretly dorky, and self-sacrificial. I've always liked the serious types (not to be confused with brooding. Get that Cullen boy out my face)
Attractive Princess: Cinderella is just precious
Attractive Prince: In real life, I always go for tall, dark and handsome with beautiful hair so Naveen was a sure win when I saw the movie. Actually I was watching this in theaters with a friend and as soon as Naveen appeared he goes "oh god. I made a mistake coming to see this with you."
Singing Voice: Yay for Belle! Bring on the altos!
Villain:Ursula. She's fabulous, plain and simple. And the only female villain who isn't jealous of the princess.
Soundtrack: Every one of Aladdin's songs are just fun.
Sidekicks: Tangled has Maximus!! I tình yêu HIM!!

1. Ariel
 The Other Leo
The Other Leo

As mentioned previously, I enjoy flawed characters and Ariel definitely makes a lot of mistakes. My passion for Ariel comes from several factors. She is allowed bởi the narrative to dream big and never settle for less, very uncommonly seen in female characters. She doesn't let anyone else's opinions on her dreams drag her down and pursues what she wants without a một giây thought. She rebels against her father's misguided oppression and perceptions and had plans to meet Eric and have him get to know her when she was a mermaid- giving up her voice had little to do with Eric. It was only done after her father destroyed her valuable possessions in a moment of serious overreaction stemming from his fallacious beliefs. I've always seen Ariel as a very feminist princess được trao that she actively obtains her own agency since her father would not allow her to have it and is the effective pursuer in the romantic relationship between her and Eric- I cannot think of another princess couple where the male is the pursuee. Almost always the female is swept up in the male's narrative hoặc the male goes after the female but Ariel is the only princess who makes plans to see Eric and win him over. Her boundless determination and sense of confidence is inspirational and she, like Belle and Jasmine, does not compromise in her beliefs hoặc dreams but unlike those two creates her own story instead of being entrapped in someone else's. Ariel is the catalyst of her film and is a brash, bold, courageous heroine.

Princess Movie:The Little Mermaid, It just makes me happy, simple as that.
Prince: Eric- In a world of sweet-talking, rib nudging heroes, the modest guy who rescues his dog and admires Ariel's zaniness is a rare find.
Attractive Princess: Pocahontas- she knows how to SMIZE better than Tyra
Attractive Prince Honestly Eric is hands down the most attractive guy I've ever seen ever, which is very sad. I hold all men to standards of Eric so I have a good excuse to stay single forever.
Singing Voice: I always like these breathy, pop-sounding voices (give it up for my Queen Britney) and I can't get enough of Rapunzel's
Villain: Gaston is a well-rounded villain who's not only evil but wildly entertaining. There's a song dedicated to how great he is! I hope to achieve that someday.
Soundtrack:Pocahontas is probably my yêu thích Disney soundtrack, period.
Sidekicks: Aladdin. hoa nhài has a pet tiger! Genie is one of the best Những người bạn bạn could possibly have! Carpet is so cute! Iago is hilarious! Abu ...is better as an elephant.

And there bạn have it! Congrats to those of bạn who read the whole thing. I notably left out some categories because I didn't want it to be too self-indulgent. Thanks for reading!
Well, as bạn guys may hoặc may not know, I've been doing a series of "Why I Love" các bài viết for all the princesses, and since I've already done my eight favorites, I decided to try something new instead. For my bottom five yêu thích princesses, I decided to make a new series of các bài viết talking about what prevents them from being higher. So yeah, this might be a bit controversial, but it's my opinion so if bạn don't like it than...cool? Let's go onto the article!

The Positives

I didn't want this bài viết to be all bad, and there really are a lot of positives about Mulan. First of all, she's the...
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posted by Jayden-G
Everything that was done on this bài viết was done bởi GreatLance_30; I am only typing it for him/her. Since the Princess of the tháng was such a success, we wanted to do Prince of the Month. To be completely honest, the results are not really suprising.

10. Charming (283 points)

Charming and Prince are always the bottom two in every list; best looks, most heroic, etc, but Prince was generally liked thêm than Charming, which is why he is dead last. There was practically no positive các bình luận about him except that he is better and thêm likeable in the sequels. What people (practically everybody)...
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Hi everyone! Well, I see others write their danh sách of yêu thích princesses so I decide to follow suit and to write my own. It would be fun for me to write this after all, as I think... my danh sách has changed somewhat in the past month, but it is still basically the same.

9. Tiana

I like all the princesses a lot, but Tiana is my least yêu thích of the bunch. Tiana has her good points in my opinion bởi her everlasting dream to open up her restaurant and her motivation to work I find inspiring. But still, she just isn't quite as fun as I would prefer in a princess... a bit too serious for my tastes....
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So I was đọc through old articles, and I found one bởi link, in which he does his lists on basically everything. I thought it was really interesting, so I thought "Why not?" and decided to make my list. The main rankings are based on the movies, and then the sub-rankings are for the princess, prince, villain, ect. in the movie. So, let's get started! (Also, I know that a lot of the placings are messed up (as in a couple things have the same placing), but I already spent forever on this bài viết so I kind of just let it go *cue singing*)

11. The Little Mermaid

My bottom four are all kind of...
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added by Winxclubgirl202
Source: Facebook
added by peteandco
Source: thedisneyprincess.tumblr.com
added by Winxclubgirl202
Source: Facebook

A knock sounded. "Princess Elsa? It will be time for your coronation in an hour. Please get ready and come down to the chapel."

Elsa acknowledged the servant with a sharp "Yes." And walked up to her mirror. She gazed into it and saw her reflection. Eleven years had passed since she had been visited from the stranger and gotten her powers. Eleven years since she had first found her sister annoying. Eleven years since she had first gone into isolation.

 She gazed into it and saw her reflection.
She gazed into it and saw her reflection.

Their parents having died just three years ago, Elsa found Anna at her door thêm often than before....
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posted by maryksand

At this point it is an toàn, két an toàn to conclude that the âm nhạc is the most prominently outstanding aspect of Frozen. Moreover, the soundtrack, score and presentation of marvelously spectacular and masterfully performed songs are objectively and noticeably superior to those of any of the other phim chiếu rạp pertaining to a so-called “New Era” of Disney such as Princess and the Frog, Tangled, Công chúa tóc xù and Wreck it Ralph. That undoubtedly have their merits and are exceptionally competent and engaging in terms of using âm nhạc to set up a necessary mood. However, are nowhere in the neighborhood of the breathtakingly...
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posted by FabulousDisney
Hi, I'm FabulousDisney. I just signed up a một phút ago. bạn can call me Avery if bạn want.

Here is the information bạn need to know about me.

I'm eighteen, I tình yêu Công chúa tóc xù and the little mermaid. I'm tall and a brunette. I look a lot like Belle and act very much like her too.
I know THEDisneyFreak, hoặc as I like to call her, Jennifer, in real life. She's one of my friends.

My ultimate danh sách of everything:

Movie: Công chúa tóc xù
Princess: Ariel and Merida
Sidekick: pascal

How most people describe me: Smart, DisneyCray, Pretty (I think not) and kind. I try to be as kind as I can and I will hope I can start friendship on here.
posted by Annabethandco
One of my favourite thing about the Disney Princess Franchise is the amount of beautiful người hâm mộ art that is inspired because of it. I decided to create this bài viết so I could share some of my favourite artists.

Amy Mebberson - I doubt anybody HASN'T heard of pocket princesses, but just in case the link is below. Her work is incredible!

Morloth88 - Morloth's art isn't the most accurate, but her Disney School comics are amazing. For those of bạn complaining about Disney girls having their personality changed in high school AUs, I think you'll find Morloths art thêm than satisfactory.

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Okay I noticed a countdown on this club and the results are in my opinion insulting to Disney. I'm not trying to offend anyone, especially the one holding the countdown, but I mean come on, the computed animated films didn't even leave yet. Plus I think people have a different idea of phim hoạt hình than I do because when I think of phim hoạt hình I mostly think about the actual phim hoạt hình itself, not the drawings and consistency, thought that's part of it. But the big part is the colors, the brightness and darkness, the shadowing, and the effects. Now I'm going to separate the computer animated films...
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Hello everyone! I know I haven't written in a long time. It was because I was on vacation. I went to Antalya for ten days. Antalya, my hometown, is one of the most được ưa chuộng holiday cities in Turkey. I went to Antalya before and stayed for a week, in the villas of the hotel called Kaya Palazzo. This time I stayed in another biệt thự of Kaya Palazzo.

I really missed all of bạn over the holidays, and also nghề viết văn articles, polling and light discussion. This bài viết is about coincidences and theories that we all find in Disney Princess movies. I hope bạn will like it. If bạn are comfortable, start reading....
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Dungeons & Những câu chuyện về rồng (or D&D for short) is a super fun bàn, để bàn roleplaying game that's been around since the 1970s but has recently gained a fair bit of popularity. I've been playing the game for around eight years at time of writing, and I strongly recommend bạn give it a try if bạn ever get the chance. It's really an absolute blast! D&D has always been one of my yêu thích hobbies, but within the last two years it's become an even bigger part of my life. Since I've been having so much fun with it recently, I decided it was finally time to try something I'd always wanted to do: turning...
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added by mhs1025
Source: DP Fandom
I'm fed up now. My yêu thích princesses are the least popular. At least in fanpop it is. Elsa, Anna and Moana.. All of their value has been forgotten. The most overrated princesses today are Ariel, Belle, Lọ lem and Aurora. Especially Ariel, it's so overrated that I can't stand it. The best of everything was "ARIEL" lady. The most beautiful: Ariel, THE BEST AGAIN ARIEL. I will go mad. Do bạn know the hit song "What's my name" bởi Uma in Descendants 2? I wrote a song with the melody of this song, remember it is not copy right free.

This is all hands on fanpop
I am calling out to underrated DP...
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added by belle_ami
Anna and Elsa are two of Disney's most passionate, determined, and independent leading ladies. Their time in Nữ hoàng băng giá and Nữ hoàng băng giá 2 has been full of action, adventure, and compassion. It's no wonder that their adventures have struck a chord with so many fans. Here is why we should find out why they are in the line of the tiếp theo generation of Badass Female Characters!

1. Their Sisterly tình yêu Always Saved The Day!

Girls if there is one thing that we've seen in both Nữ hoàng băng giá movies, it's that it was never a prince charming hoặc knight in shining armor who came in to rescue princess and defeat the villain...
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