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Dear Frozen,

Thank you. Thank bạn for being pretty much the only realistic portrayal of tình yêu in mainstream media in the last- oh, I don’t know- at least five years.

Thank bạn for hiển thị that Hans, the handsome gallant prince of the Southern Isles who seemed a perfect match for Anna is fallible. Thank bạn for hiển thị that the idea of a “one perfect match” isn’t necessarily realistic. Thank bạn for hiển thị us that tình yêu is like with Kristoff, how everyone has their rough edges, how no one can fit the mold of perfection. Thank bạn for reminding us that “everyone’s a bit of a fixer-upper, that’s what it’s all about!” And, especially, thank bạn for saying clearly that “people don’t really change.” Thank bạn for being so clear in that tình yêu is about accepting people, especially their flaws, and not finding someone who fits an ideal.

But most of all, thank you, Olaf, for giving pretty much the only sane definition of tình yêu any media has được trao in too, too long. Thank bạn for telling us “Love is putting someone else’s needs before yours” in an age of “The best tình yêu of all is loving yourself,” “You have to tình yêu yourself before bạn can tình yêu others,” and “You have to provide for yourself before bạn can provide for someone else.” Thank bạn for reminding us that tình yêu is selfless. Thank bạn for the fact that little boys and girls will watch Nữ hoàng băng giá and hear that tình yêu is about consciously making someone else thêm important and not about making sure you’re fulfilled above all else. Thank bạn for the truth bạn gave us that the world has tried so hard to deny. Thank bạn for reminding us that tình yêu is, above all, sacrifice.
John was getting restless. Nightfall had come, and Pocahontas was still being tested on. Shang and Ping had already fallen asleep before the moon came up. Mulan, Merida, and the princesses were keeping a vigil while Ling, Chien-Po, and Yao acted as guards. "Ancestors, hear our prayer. Watch over Pocahontas!" Mei prayed. Mulan silently cried. Just when all hope seemed to be lost, the doctor came in.

"Well, the early tests indicate that she may have been under too much pressure. In order for her to get proper rest and a speedy recovery, we're keeping her over night." the doctor said. "Then I'll...
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Pocahontas and Merida decided to wait afew months before traveling to China to see Mulan because of Ping. Ping was still figuring out the ngày and night process. Mulan hated her Những người bạn had to wait, but at the same time, the whole scenario made it easier for her so in afew months, Ping would actually sleep through the night. Shang had requested for a temporary leave when Pocahontas and Merida came to town. The Emperor gave him that leave and because China was in good shape, he could take all the time he wanted! The former Captain couldn't wait to see Pocahontas and John, but dreaded seeing Merida....
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posted by Annabethandco
Rapunzel - Chapter 3

Rapunzel examined the blank canvas in front of her, pondering what to paint. There was something strangely powerful about holding a paintbrush dipped in paint in your hand. bạn could create anything bạn wanted. bạn could paint a memory, a landscape, hoặc even a dream (Rapunzel’s usual choice). All bạn had to do was have the imagination for it.

In the past, Rapunzel had never lacked for inspiration. Even in the dullness of her tower she had still managed to get ideas. But things were different now. Rapunzel always felt too stressed and distracted to be focused enough to paint....
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I don't know if this has been discussed before. I was đọc Internet Movie Database's message board about whether hoặc not Belle has any Những người bạn in the village. One of the posters think that the triplets are there setting up for Belle and not Gaston due to the reactions prior to Gaston hiển thị up.

Since earlier on in the scene (I assume on the DVD) Triplet 2 is whispering to Triplet either 1 hoặc 3rd triplet. That triplet covers their mouth like they;re gasping. When Gaston arrives for some reason they're all shocked. So why would they be shocked if they were setting up for Gaston?

There's also why were the triplets upset that Belle didn't accept Gaston's proposal? Shouldn't they have instead be relieved?

added by juliemontoya
Source: http://queenofcases.com/
added by MJ_Fan_4Life007
posted by snsdlover4ever
*This will be based on the book called The Fault in Our Stars, and to avoid plagiarism, I'm adding stuff that never really happened in the book, so don't complain! Also, I read this book almost a năm ago, so I might not remember some of the events that happened hoặc when it happened. Since the movie is coming out in June, I wanted to make this so that thêm people would know about the hype. Hope bạn enjoy!*

Chapter 1
Aurora's POV

During the winter of my sixteenth year, my mother decided that I was depressed, due to me rarely leaving the kingdom, spent a lot of time in bed, đọc the same book...
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added by MJ_Fan_4Life007
added by TheFabulousFAN
Source: bởi TheFabulousFAN
This danh sách is made bởi a user on YT.
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Hello, ladies and gentlemen of the Disney Princess fanpop Spot!! *The crowd goes wild!* I am your beautiful and super smart host, disneyfan9648! *the crowd loses it's mind!* Okay everyone, calm down, calm down. I am here to tell you, all of you, yes even you, the girl in the front, why I tình yêu Frozen, but thêm specifically, to answer TheFabulousFan's question.

FabFan đã đăng in her "Why I Dislike Frozen," article: "Anyway I recently made a tường post hoping to find someone that could tell me WHY they liked Nữ hoàng băng giá so I could watch it with an Open mind. "

She then put ME in the article! She showed...
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posted by Shiki_Otherside
I decided to make this kind of brief because I know there is going to be a lot going on with the Oscars tonight, with Nữ hoàng băng giá being nominated so I thought I would just do this quick. Here is a danh sách of 10 facts about me, in which after reading, I hope bạn will know me better :) .

1) My name is Laura. I didn't have this on my account when I first started it because I didn't think I would make so many connections in this club, and only joined for the polls.

2) I go to a small cây thủy lạp, privet school and I have two best friends. Both girls can be kind of snobby, but they understand me really well.

3) My two...
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posted by MadameLee
A friend of mine and I think that there might be a family relation between the three step-mothers in the three phim chiếu rạp that there are step-mothers. Snow White's, Cinderella's and Edward's. We think that Queen Narissa (aka Edward's stepmother) and Lady Tremaine (Cinderella's) are cousins and are the great-great grandchildren of Snow's stepmother.

The person who connects the three of them is the live-action Descants movie's charrie Evie who it seems is suppose to be a half-sister of Snow White,who is-Evie I mean not Snow- is the great-grandmother of LT and QN.

We also have a theory about how EQ...
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added by CyberFive
Source: Tumblr
added by MJ_Fan_4Life007
added by MJ_Fan_4Life007
added by MJ_Fan_4Life007
added by MJ_Fan_4Life007
added by MJ_Fan_4Life007
added by MJ_Fan_4Life007