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8 reasons to be against assisted suicide in california



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NOT my views, i just wanted to see the other side of this arguement and thought others might be interested or just you know wish to rant as the case may be
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chel1395 said:
Very interesting, Debs. I too have a different stance on assisted suicide, but it's always good to consider the other points of view.
posted hơn một năm qua.
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these are all really good points, and most of them i hadn't really thought of. definitely something to consider.
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That was obviously written by someone who has never experienced chronic pain...

I do agree the waiting period should be longer than 2 weeks. However, that wholething about people being told they are going to die? Well, that is an issue with the American medical system. I have been told THREE times that I had at the most 2 years to live... The first time was 21 years ago. Ahem.

So. THAT problem needs to be addressed by a media blitz. MDs are just guessing the majority of the time, and are indeed often wrong over there... Best in the world my ass. 'Suicide Doctors' need to be schooled in basic psych and be smart enough to advise the client of these things.
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You know, come to think of it - No. the USA hasn't got the knowledge to or attitude to handle this.

The elderly ARE considered a liability over there. That is a real issue in the USA.

You know what? I think I'll run for Odin damned president... Treat the whole country like a freakin 2 yr old.

*The Time is now 8:14am - and the Doc is already irate.*
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irate, my word for the day!

please don't hit me with your cane for saying this but if you've battled it before and proved the doctors wrong, don't you think there's a chance you can do it again and life is worth that chance?
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You are acting like I plan to off myself tomorrow at high noon. I assure you I plan to live to at least 106. So please oh bloody please stop with the pleas....

The thing is, if I reach a point where there is nothing to be done for the intense pain, then who the hell's right is it to try to keep me in that pain?
posted hơn một năm qua.
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sorry lol i didn't mean to personalize it so much, the above statement i guess would apply to anyone and i'm very pleased to hear you shall be around tomorrow :)
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