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added by CrisBxFBxATxN
added by CrisBxFBxATxN
added by vagos
Source: Laika Entertainment/ Screencaps bởi Me
added by vagos
Source: Laika Entertainment/ Screencaps bởi Me
added by vagos
Source: Laika Entertainment/ Screencaps bởi Me
posted by Jessikaroo
It's a little late, but I wanted to have my say. :) I was watching Corpse Bride yesterday, and was thinking about how when I was a kid I always wanted Victor and Emily to end up together. Yeah, Victor and Victoria were in love, no one can deny that. But there's many different kinds of love. And I really think Victor was falling in tình yêu with Emily.
I think Victor falling in tình yêu with Emily made thêm sense to me. It was happening thêm slowly, so slowly a lot of people missed it. But it was there. And I think they'd balance each other out. Victor being the thêm soft spoken of the two, and Emily...
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added by Monsterka
Source: invinsart.blogspot.com
added by Monsterka
Source: deviantart
added by invadermoon
Source: My Phone
added by CrisBxFBxATxN
added by vagos
Source: Laika Entertainment/ Screencaps bởi Me
added by vagos
Source: Laika Entertainment/ Screencaps bởi Me
added by vagos
Source: Laika Entertainment/ Screencaps bởi Me
added by vagos
Source: Laika Entertainment/ Screencaps bởi Me
added by vagos
Source: Laika Entertainment/ Screencaps bởi Me
added by vagos
Source: Laika Entertainment/ Screencaps bởi Me
added by vagos
Source: Laika Entertainment/ Screencaps bởi Me